Broken Bones, Broken Hearts, Broken Tears pt 2

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Tw: Forced surgery mention, kidnapping, talk of broken arm

The moment Tommy opened his eyes he knew something was wrong. His arm felt heavy, but it didn't hurt. He wasn't sure what was happening, but he wasn't in the coffee shop anymore.

He looked around himself and saw that he was in a bed that wasn't his, because he certainly didn't own blankets this soft, and he didn't have any of the expensive things that were around the room.

There was a TV playing some documentary, there was a mini fridge with a clear door so Tommy could see all the sodas and juices in it, there was a bookshelf full of books and there was a star projector, shining colorful stars on the ceiling. The projector was the only thing that made Tommy realize that it was night time.

He blinked a few times before going to rub his eye, but found himself unable to due to a cast on his arm. Tommy stared down at it for a few moments as his heart sank. He knew he didn't go to the hospital on his own, he knew that Wilbur was concerned about his arm, and he knew that Wilbur would be the type of person to have all this money.

But Wilbur wouldn't hurt him and kidnap him, would he? No. Wilbur wouldn't just take him and force him to get medical care. That's illegal, and not even Wilbur is above the law like that.

Tommy took a moment looking around some more before he decided he needed to figure out what was going on. He slipped out of bed and cringed at how cold the floor felt. The one good thing about his shitty apartment was that with the cafe below, the floor was always somewhat warm.

He made his way out of the room and out into a long hallway. He saw stairs at one end and started walking towards them. He made his way down the stairs, hearing voices come closer and closer. He couldn't fully make out what they were saying, but he heard a few words here and there.

"Find him." "Broken." "3 pins." "Riot."

Almost none of it made sense to Tommy. He kept following the voices, and the source of light coming from a room at the end of the hall. When he finally arrived in the doorway he blinked at the bright light but saw one man in the room.

The man was taller than Tommy just by a little bit. He had blonde hair and was wearing expensive sweatpants, house slippers and a t-shirt. All of his outfit probably cost more than what Tommy made in a year. The man was on the phone, but when he turned and spotted Tommy he cleared his throat.

"Make it happen." Is all he said before he ended the call. "Tommy, I didn't think you were going to be up for a few more hours at least, it's around 3am." He said and Tommy gave him a confused look.

"Do I know you?" Tommy asked, unsure of how the man knew his name.

"Oh right, we've never formally met. I'm Phil Watson." Phil said, walking closer and sticking out his hand for Tommy to shake. Tommy just stood there frozen. He had heard of Phil from Wilbur, he had seen his name in headlines and on billboards, but he had never truly seen the man before. Now here he was, 3 feet away from him.

"Holy shit." Tommy said out of instinct, which made Phil chuckle.

"Wilbur was right, you do curse a lot." Phil joked, turning to walk over to a fridge and opening it up. "Are you hungry? Thirsty? Cook is off until at least 5am, well technically he isn't really supposed to be working until 6:30 but he insists on coming in early. He doesn't know it but I pay him for the extra hours, he's really good at it and comes in to make sure we all have hot breakfast before we leave." Phil rambles before looking back at Tommy. "Sorry, I could talk my head off for hours. Food? Drink?"

"No, no I'm good." Tommy said, still on edge of the fact that he was in Phil Watson's kitchen. Phil kept looking at him.

"I want you to at least have something. Do you like smoothies? Techno likes to get these premade smoothie things, takes like a minute to defrost then you got a whole smoothie. They're not bad but he likes the strawberry ones and I'm not the biggest fan of strawberries. Do you like strawberries?" Phil asked as he reached down into the freezer to grab one.

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