1. I Am Here

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(TW: death, blood, possible disturbing images)

All Might's POV

"All right, is everyone in position?"

I could hear the familiar voice of Detective Tsukauchi speaking through my ear piece. He had received an anonymous tip that there was suspicious activity going on in several buildings in this area. The detective enlisted the help of Endeavor, Midnight, and myself so that we could raid the facilities simultaneously.

"Yes, I AM HERE," I spoke into the ear piece.

"I don't know why you felt the need to include him in this. I could have handled it myself..." I could hear the irritation in his voice and could picture Endeavor's scowl perfectly as he responded.

"I'm ready too, let's do this boys!" Midnight said gleefully.

I looked around at the handful of officers who were accompanying me, and each of them nodded. We were ready to go.

I went ahead of the others, they were there mostly for back up. I was in charge of dealing with any villains we encountered while they would bring them in after they were defeated and help any civilians we may find. The Intel said there had been a lot of unusual activity here recently, and as far as anyone knew this was an abandoned clinic that had shut its doors years ago. However as I approached the doors in the middle of the night I could see a small amount of light coming from one of the rooms inside through the window... 'Someone must be here.'

I turned back to the officers positioned behind me, and motioned for them to remain behind and stay out of the building while I checked it out. They nodded in response as I attempted to open the door.

'It's unlocked...' I thought to myself, as the door opened with ease. I slowly made my way through the door, and I started walking down an old hallway towards the lit room. The light was pretty dim and was casting eerie shadows down the hall. 'I need to keep my guard up for surprise attacks, something feels off about this place.' A feeling of dread began settling over me as I started to round the corner and walk into the room. My eyes quickly glanced over the room and my guard lowered a bit.

Papers and glass vials lay scattered and in pieces all across the room. It was obvious someone had been here, but by the looks of things, they had already cleared out.

"OK, it looks as if they may have had a heads up that we were coming. I'm still searching the building. Please proceed with caution." I spoke quietly into my ear piece, relaying the info to my back up. It was possible someone was still here but I had my doubts. As I looked down at the shattered vials on the floor I noticed they, and the surrounding area, were completely dry. That indicated they were broken some time ago, I couldn't see a reason they would feel the need to break empty vials.

Detective Tsukauchi walked in and stepped beside me looking around at the mess left behind. Each of us pros had a detective along with a small police force to aid us in our investigation. I was thankful my old friend had been assigned to my team for this mission.

He sighed as he looked around, "Looks like they had something to hide after all... I doubt we will find anything useful in all of this," He rubbed the back of his head and gave me a disappointed look.

"Don't look so glum. The reason we brought so much force on this mission was because that anonymous caller mentioned All For One. Truthfully, I'd be happy if we came back empty handed." I sighed, "All though, I still feel guilty for not telling Endeavor and Midnight about what we may run into today."

"It was too soon... and honestly I think we both secretly hoped this was some kind of prank. It's still unsettling though..."

I put a hand on his shoulder, "There's still more ground to cover we may still find something useful h-" I was cut off by an officer rushing into the room.

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