Chapter 4- Lucas was expelled from the class/Sarah was feeling weak

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Back at the school that afternoon, Zara and Bella were sitting at lunch without Sarah.

After lunch was over, Ms. Chen told the students that Lucas would be expelled from the school year.
Back in Sam's apartment this Friday, Sarah woke up by ten a.m. She is covered in sweat.

Sam came in.

"Is that you?"

"Well—who is sleeping in my room tonight?"

"Come here. Do not be scared."

"But—I am scared."

"Aw, my poor niece. Come here." he said as he hugged her.

"Sorry, Uncle Sam. I didn't mean to scare you."

"It is okay. Go and take your shower, and I will have your dirty clothes in the washing machine."


In the kitchen, Sam has made her something.

"Do you want some strawberry cookies? It will make you feel better."

"What is that for? Snack?"

Sam laughed.

"No—it is a special medicine that heals your body."

"Okay. I will give it a try."

"You need to drink water to help, or your body will not be functioning."

After Sarah was done taking her "Cookie medicine," Sam wanted to ask her something.

"My niece, did you know that I have the same swimming problem, too?"

"The—same thing you had?"

Sam nods.

"Last time, Chelsea was pushing me into the swimming pool."

After they talked about his swimming story...

"Uncle Sam, can I go to my room? My body is getting cold."

"Sure. To go and get some rest?"


When she was feeling better in the next five days...

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