Aryan - Bye !

Shahana - Bye.

The call disconnect , Shahana saw Prachi coming inside with Rehaan and quickly closing the door . Shahana's eyes widened seeing Rehaan .

Shahana - Prachi , are you mad or mad ? If maasi saw Rehaan here then we all are dead .

Prachi - Chill ! Maa is not at home .

Rehaan - Do you really think if I knew aunty was here , I would risk my life by coming here ?

Shahana - No , because you are a coward .

Rehaan - You banana !

Shahana - It's Shahana not banana !

Rehaan - Whatever !

Prachi - Guys ! Why don't we go to watch a movie ?

Shahana - Okay but when ?

Prachi - Tomorrow night . Maa said she has some important news to tell me so , we can't go today .

Rehaan - Done .

Prachi - You know Shahana , today a girl fought with Rehaan , she even was going to punch him . It was such a hilarious situation .

Shahana - Finally ! There's one girl who didn't fall for his so called charm .

Rehaan - Yeah... Yeah .. And you know banana that Prachi was smiling looking at that monkey girl's best friend Kunal .....

Shahana - Prachi got a crush on someone ?!!!

Prachi - No !!! He was just a nice guy !

The trio spent their day bickering with each other , teasing Prachi and Rehaan .

At M&K Mansion ,

Ranbir was present at the stage . His mind wandering somewhere else . He was thinking whether Prachi will come to stop his engagement with Rhea or not . Abhi and Vikram were standing there too . Abhi was very happy that atleast his daughter was getting her love . Vikram knew how Ranbir was feeling but didn't want to talk about it .

Pallavi , Alia and Meera took Rhea downstairs . Rhea was made to stand next to Ranbir . Ranbir maintained a distance from Rhea . But Rhea didn't seem to get the hint and moved closer to Ranbir .

Rhea , whispering - Ranbir , why are you moving away from me ?

Ranbir - Because I get suffocated near you .

Rhea - But I am your future wife .

Ranbir - You are just a fool .

Rhea - Ranbir !

Pallavi - Rhea , why are you shouting ? Sit down .

Rhea - Sorry .

Rhea and Ranbir didn't talk to each other after that . They got engaged , Rhea thought that now no one can steal Ranbir from her .

At Raisinghania Villa ,

Prachi entered the villa with her luggage . She was genuinely happy after a long time . Today her family will be complete again .

Her grandmother immediately hugged her and showered her with love . Vansh and Pragya just sat there .
Pragya was happy to see her daughter smile . Vansh was enjoying his time with his family .

Sadhana - Where are Arya and Pankti ? Vansh call them .

Vansh - Mom , I called them . They are on their way .

Prachi - It feels so good to be home .

Arya and Pankti reached home after a few minutes . They both were excited to meet their mom and di .

Arya - Dad ! We are here .

Vansh - Come here .

Pankti - Mom ! Di !

Arya - I will meet them first !

Pankti - No , I will ! I am elder .

Arya - Just by 5 minutes !

Sadhana - Can't you both not fight at least today ?

Arya / Pankti - Okay .

The Raisinghania family was reunited . Each one of them was happy . But Vansh had something else going on in his mind .


Hi readers ,

Here is the next chapter .

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Till then ,
Lots of love 💕
Take care of yourself
Your author


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