💥📚🌹You're such an angel🌹📚💥

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"I was bowing down letting them pass before me, they walk't outside while laughing at how I was acting. I walk't finaly walk't out, closing and locking the door twice to be sure. And we start to walk. We could use the moto I had stole but it would be really noisy and could be stolen back, even tho it's true it would be faster, Maev. prefered walking. I don't blame them but I was a little mad of not being able to use the moto."

Maev: Hey Vart, remember last time someone attacked us and said that they didn't care how we were a cute couple they would still kill us?

Vare: Please, don't remind me of this idiot and their IQ of an level lower than an child.

Maev: No not that, but when they said we were a cute couple. Remember?

Vare: I do remember, it was sure funny how they confuse us as a couple.

Maev: Well probably because you keep flirt with me, that would be the reason they called us a couple.

Vare: But a cute one!

"We both laughed and did some chat while walking, some time we would just walk only hearing our foot steps and the silence comforting but also kinda akward."

Vare: Alright we finaly arrived.

Maev: It look kinda... Old, not to be mean ofc!

Vare: Old? I always used to go there before all this shit!

Maev: Language..

Vare: Sorry hun, now let's get in.

"They didn't complain and walk't in me following behind. It look't abandoned but the lights were still working, is someone buying the the light or what? Whatever I just needed to get some books that all."

Maev: So what kind of book do you buy?

Vare: I most buyed books about action, aventure, mystariouse.. Things like that ya know.

Maev: Oh okay, do you know where they are?

Vare: Yea sure I remember.

Maev: Okay can we hurry? I have bad vibes of this library..

"They sounded afraid and grab my arm hugging it tightly. They sure were pretty soft I knew it, but it was so cute how they would just grab my arm like it was a plushy."

Vare: Well come one you cat, let's go.

Maev: Hey I ain't a cat!

Vare: Well you act like one.

Maev: Whatever..

"We start to walk around the library, I would be honest I had forgotten where the action aventure books were I just told them I knew, knowing that if I said I didn't remember they would already leave. After turning 2 times left and after right we arrived to were there was a lot of books about actions and other ya know-"

Maev: So, what kind of book are you gonna take.

Vare: Well something with action, adventure ya know. *starting to look around* But you can also go and take a book if ya want ya know?

Maev: Ofc Ik Vart, it's not really my hobby reading.

Vare: Yea okay sure. *takes a book* This one look good- Ah nvm got romance. *put it back*

Maev: You never readed romance books?

Vare: Not my cup of tea. I don't really like how the romance look's like, it makes me... Cringe.

Maev: Oh okay.

Vare: The only book of romance I read was 'Romeo & Juliette', I didn't like it and after I never did read romance thing. *takes another book* Mmm, this one looks good.

Maev: So like, after reading one book of romance you never did read one again?

Maev: Exacly cupcake, not my cup of tea like I said. *looking for other books*

Maev: Well kinda weird your not into romance books when you would flirt with me and call me pet/nicknames all the time, I even start to ask myself if you remember my name.

Vare: First of, I do remember your name it's Maevery. And second, I said I founded them cringe because most of them are never original, always start by two stranger bumping into each other and after only like one week or less they ₣Ʉ₵₭! Eachother. So yea no 'thx'.

"After what felt like 2 hours of us chatting while I was picking up some books, I finaly was done and had about 15 books. If I had to pay I would have only brought a few but, we don't need to pay anymore."

Vare: Alright I'm done, let'sgo home now-

Maev: Wait question, how much in total do you think it would have cost?

Vare: Well... I would say probably about 30,25or 25,50€ total. Why ask dear?

Maev: Oh! No reason don't worry, I be right back you can wait for me at the entrance.

"And with that, they start to run away- I was dumbfouded a little but decidate to try and follow them while hiding. I knew they wouldn't just go to found the toilet or idk what. So I followed them, hiding behind every corner."

"At my non-surpise they went to put money on where I was supposed to pay the books Gosh...

"♡you're such an angel♡"

having so much fun knowing it sadly.... 𝙒𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙇𝙖𝙨𝙩 जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें