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In almost every single romance novel you'll ever read, the couple ends up in a difficult situation. Whether that is that one person is moving away or the other has strict parents that just can't get off their back, this line will always be said.

"lets run away together"

it's expected, routine even. you may not have noticed but i have. you may ask who i am to judge this so-called trope so harshly, but I'll get to that later. What I'm trying to say is that it's only a sudden thought, it's an impulsive suggestion with no seriousness behind it. But what if this statement, these 4 words were genuine? What if they both were considering the possibilities and could genuinely afford it?

And most importantly- what if they were determined to do it?

But I won't get ahead of myself here. To show you the context of how I got myself into this situation we need to go back a couple of years....

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