2.) candles

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it was early morning, takeo had went to bed early last night because today was special. he had been keeping track of each day ever since the apocalypse had started.

today was takeo's birthday.

he told the group it was coming up about a month ago, they were surprised when he announced it because the rest of them had no idea when their birthday was.

his birthday didn't mean that much to him, but he did like to know what day marked that he was getting older.

he finally climbed out of bed.

"good morning." nikolai said to him as he walked out of his room.

"oh, you're up early."

"yeah well yesterday was a long day for all of us, passed out pretty quick." nik said, letting takeo follow him into the kitchen.

"of course." takeo said, waiting to see if nikolai was gonna mention takeo's birthday.

but he never said anything.

takeo thought maybe he was just playing a prank, but his gut told him that nikolai had just forgot.

"did you want breakfast?" nikolai turned back to takeo.

"no that's okay, i'm not hungry." he was a little.

nikolai shook his head then turned away.

"good morning fellow soldiers." richtofen finally walked in announcing.

"you're funny." nikolai mumbled to himself, "you always have to be this loud?"

"the better to wake you boys up." richtofen laughed.

"yeah? try that on dempsey, we're already up." nikolai huffed.

"i'd rather have breakfast?" richtofen said.

"make your own, you have two hands." nik scoffed.

"yes, but what if i lose one someday? or maybe both?"

"you might, if i decide to chop them off!"

richtofen didn't remember takeo's birthday either, so takeo continued listening to their bickering, this happened almost every morning so he was pretty much used to it.

he finally had enough and decided to walk back to his room, but then saw tank coming down the stairs.

"goodmorning birthday boy." were tank's first words to takeo that morning.


"it's your birthday isn't it?"

"you remembered?" takeo felt his heart skip a beat that his favorite person of the crew remembered what today was.

"'course i did? hold on, i got you something," tank grabbed takeo's hand, making him go back upstairs with him.

when they entered tank's room, he'd picked up something off his nightstand.

"it's not much actually, but didn't wanna leave you empty handed on your birthday." dempsey told takeo, handing him flowers with a poorly wrapped ribbon around them.

"when did you do this?"

"oh, i did this like 2 days, went out and picked out as many flowers as i could find for you, they're dying now."

"thank you, dempsey." takeo said, hugging him tightly, "flowers are a little cheesy.." he said into tank's ear.

"i know i know," tank rolled his eyes, "you don't like them?"

takeo stopped hugging him, "i do, that's why i thanked you."

"you're welcome tak." tank blushed.

"no one else remembered but you."

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