YandereMercenary/Naib X FemReader PART 2

Start from the beginning

Wait, why was I even staring at her?


With the time passing, Naib found himself getting used to Y/n's presence.

"Check this technique," He told her as he glanced at her from the side with a smirk, before he managed to perform some incredible movements and landed some skillful punches and kicks to the ragdoll, while moving his body.

She was impressed at his movements and she couldn't help but admire him as he focused at his target with intensity in his eyes. It was scary, yet intriguing at the same time. The way he moved around, used his force and stretched his muscles looked really attractive to her.
She smiled nervously and raised her notebook for him to see, which did catch his attention as he stopped. "That was really impressive, Naib! But I really have to get going now.. I need to prepare for the match later."
"Just a moment, you impatient girl," He rolled his eyes as he placed his hands on his hips and wiped the sweat from his forehead using his wrist. The fact that he was, for whatever reason, shirtless, did not help her feel any relaxed. He was breathing normally despite all those movements, which showed how athletic he really was. He then proceeded to untie his hair, making a quick flip with his hair before he tied them again. "It's not like you have any important business or something. You'll leave in a moment."

That was the fourth time he said that he would let her leave 'in a moment'. She had scheduled to be in her room twenty minutes ago, but thanks to Subedar, her schedule was messed up now. He really had a thing for making her watch him train with his body and weapons.
During the beginning, he was annoyed by her presence, but now he wouldn't let her leave that easily. Even though it was kind of weird and uncomfortable to her, she couldn't say that she hated it. She enjoyed watching him and his behavior was a sign that he had warmed up to her.

So, with a sign, she placed her notebook beside her and continued watching in slight boredom. His lips tugged at the end at her as he continued flexing his skills, talking about how nobody could match his skills, how strong and skillful he was and everything....

Naib found himself enjoying his single membered audience. He liked seeing her reactions and it just gave him motivation to try harder and get stronger.

He honestly did not understand why he had the need to impress her, but it just felt right. Plus, it was easy to convince her to stay longer.

After another ten minutes, "Alright, I think that's enough for today." Naib said and walked towards Y/n, who was patiently sitting on the bench. She lit up at this finally and she was quick to hand him his cold bottle of water. He quickly drank most of it, before splashing the rest on his whole face and body, making Y/n blush slightly and look away, towards the bench, pretending to be collecting her things.
"That was a satisfying three hour training, even though I could basically go on for longer. It was not much." He shrugged to himself as Y/n stared at him with eyes wide. Three hours? And he considered that a little?
At least she didn't watch him for three hours. She probably had to sit there and watch him for an hour.... and a half.... maybe even longer....?

Then, he started leaving towards the exit with relaxed movements, as if Y/n was not there at all or without saying goodbye. It was weird for her at first, but he always did that after training. She supposed it was his way of saying goodbye and showing that the ta were to part ways.

Y/n stared down at her notebook, thinking about Naib. She wasn't.... necessarily attracted to him or something, but she did feel a type of was around him... Slightly, though. He was still an asshole.

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