1.) my new neighbor

Start from the beginning

my fist hit the door, and i let out the biggest sigh ever.

then i knocked.

my heart raced so fast.

i could hear footsteps running down stairs, i thought i was gonna puke.

but then the door opened.

"hello?" thank god it was takeo at the door.

"hey," my voice cracked as i spoke, "um sorry, you just moved in? we're neighbors."

"yes?" he barely spoke.

"yeah, i'm tank." i held my hand out, so awkward.


"yeah?.. is that okay?"

"it's funny." he said, shaking my hand.

"oh," i kind of smiled, "what do you mean?"

"nothing, just never heard of that." he said quietly, "did you wanna come in?"

"oh sure." i wasn't expecting that what-so-ever.

the smell of his house really hit me in the nose. it was very sharp, but almost smelled like red velvet.

"we haven't completely unpacked, i'm sorry."

"that's fine." i answered, following takeo up his stairs.

the upstairs of his house was way bigger than mine i noticed,

and his room was at the very end of the hall.

"here we are." takeo turned to look at me.

"wow, it's nice."

"yeah, for what it is, i won't live here very long, i'll probably get my own place soon." he said.

"where're you going?" i asked.

"haven't decided, probably still be in town."

i nodded, and my eyes looked towards his hair.

"can i ask you a question?"

he looked up at me, "okay."

that's when we sat at the end of his bed.

"why do you keep your hair long?"

"you don't like it?"

"what, no i like it tak-"

he stared at me, his eyes slightly widening, i noticed his fingers digging into his comforter.

"sorry, can i call you that?"

he shrugged, "that's fine."

"but i like your hair, i was just wondering," he said nothing, "i was just asking because maybe i could grow my hair that long too."

he laughed, "you wouldn't look as good."

i laughed too.

"so what do you do for fun?" i asked him.

"i have a cat." he said, picking the cat i didn't even notice up from beside him.

then he let me pet the cat.

"boy or girl?"

"girl, her name's actually kat, with a k." he said, "i just call her kitty though." he finished, laying the cat back down.

"so what else do you do?"

he said nothing and just looked down at the floor.

"you have nothing?" i said.

"what do you do?" he asked me instead.

"oh i play videogames, mostly with my friend nik, he's really my only friend." i laughed to myself.

"and me." takeo said, that's when i noticed his hand was closer to mine.

"and you." i stared at him, this time he stared back at me, i noticed a sort of sparkle in his eye.

"then we'll have to play videogames together?" tak finally said.

"definitely. i think you'd like world at war." i said.

"what's that?"

"it's a call of duty game, it doesn't matter."

"oh okay." takeo spoke lightly, tucking his hair behind his ear.

that's when we heard a car pull in.

takeo ran to his window, i went with him.

"that's my parents." he said, "you'll probably have to go soon."

"oh okay."

"i like you tank, i'm glad you came over, i probably would've never had friends if you didn't."

"of course." i couldn't help but stare down at his lips, and blink out of frustration.

and when takeo came closer, he slowly touched my lips with his.

i let my hands grab his face, one on the back of his head, running my fingers through his dark long hair.

i don't know why it happened, but it did.

he stopped and looked at me finally.

"what?" i said, really confused as to what happened.

"go home." he grinned and told me, with a slight shove.

i quickly walked out of his room and down the stairs, saying hello to his parent's and running out the door to go home.

and when i was home and in my room, i looked out my window to see takeo in his room, holding his cat.

and then he looked at me.

and he smiled at me,

and closed his curtains.

the end

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