[4] What's Right or Wrong

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The next day at lunch, Aiko had gone to confide in somebody new for a fresh view.

That was when Aiko saw her classmate, Yusei Asaimoto who was probably the quietest and most responsible in their homeroom.

Aiko tapped Yusei's shoulder, not trying to distract her from the textbook she was reading. ''Asaimoto-sama...  I know you're the smartest in our class so I was hoping to ask your opinion on something...'' the black-ponytailed Yusei had raised an eyebrow, confused. ''Okay... And what might that be?'' she asked, propping up her glasses. After having explained the whole situation, Yusei sat up and put her book down. She then said, stoically, ''Saiduchi, you're probably in the weirdest situation I've ever heard of- But, I will give you my two cents. It sounds like your father just wasn't ready to tell you about his partner. You two are close, yes?'' Aiko nodded as Yusei continued, ''In that case, he did trust you. He just was nervous himself. It's quite a common human trait, after all... But personally, I think you should forgive him.'' Yusei finished as Aiko stared into the golden eyes of Yusei which were usually so emotionless. She hugged her tight as she bowed aggressively, thanking Yusei. ''Asaimoto-sama, you have NO idea how much that helped! Thank you!'' as this happened, Yusei rolled her eyes and got back to her textbook, likely continuing her studies.

The last bell finally came as Haruto left the school gate, slowly walking home. He was confused and didn't know what this meant. ''My dad's gay... but he had me biologically? And now he has a partner who is the dad of my classmate... Gah, I hate this.'' Haruto thought aloud. That is until he heard excited footsteps getting closer behind him. That's when his blood boiled as he turned around and snapped, ''Stop following me, Takamaki, I don't like you!-'' but when he realised who it was, he quieted down. It was Aiko who had an idea. She then spoke, ''Ehe... I'm guessing that freshmen follows you around everywhere, huh? Makes sense you'd think I was her.'' Aiko smiled as she started to walk with him as they continued to stroll down the street. ''Sorry... I've just been so stressed since... well, you know.'' Haruto hung his head, walking beside Aiko. Aiko then laughed slightly as Haruto raised an eyebrow and looked at her, asking, ''What's so funny...?'', ''Aha, Sorry! Nothing. It's just that I had an idea to take you somewhere this afternoon, just quickly... to hopefully give you closure on that stress.'' Aiko finished as she started to skip in front of Haruto and walk backwards in front of him. Haruto then tilted his head, confused as he inquired, ''Where...?''. Just then, Aiko grabbed his hand and ran, dragging him somewhere as she answers, ''You'll see!''.

After a few minutes, they arrive outside of the local LGBTQ+ bar where a drag queen special someone was going to perform. Haruto followed Aiko in, nervous. They sat down in the middle of the crowd as Aiko ordered them a non-alcoholic drink each. All the two did was watch the stage.

The bright lights of said stage glowed with neon pink and blue, showcasing the next performer... young drag artist and local high schooler; Emiko Saburou! Emiko came out with a gorgeous dress and long hair, full of volume along with make-up that shined as much as she did. Haruto's mouth was left wide open, not knowing that a senior at his school had taken part in activities that looked so... fun! Aiko clapped as Emiko finished his song and bowed, leaving the stage.

Haruto then looked at Aiko and exclaimed, ''That was so awesome!'' as Aiko responded, ''I know, right! Since you liked it, I have a surprise.'' she said as she then dragged Haruto to a side door near the stage. When they went inside, they saw Emiko putting on and adjusting his wig for her next performance. ''Oh hey, you're in the Junior homeroom class with Saiduchi, right?'' Emiko asked, noticing and recognising Haruto. Haruto nervously spoke up as Aiko just watched, ''Heh, yeah... But um, Can I ask you something?'', ''Of course, doll! What do you wanna ask?'' Emiko responded, smiling as Aiko left the room, waiting for Haruto outside. ''Well... I recently found out my dad has a male partner... I love my dad but I can't wrap my head around it. Do you maybe... have any advice?'' Haruto crossed his arms, sorrowfully as Emiko smiled, holding in a chuckle as he finally answered, ''You said you love your dad, right? If he loves his son, which I'm sure he does, then you should sit down and talk to him. Have a heart-to-heart and ask him yourself what you want to know.'' Emiko patted Haruto's shoulder as Haruto sighed and thanked Emiko.

After a few more minutes of talking, Haruto and Aiko were finally headed home.

On the way there, Aiko asked, ''So... any change with the stress?'' as Haruto held in an awkward chuckle and replied, ''Kinda... I at least know what I can do about it now.''. The two were silent as they arrived at their respective homes. 

That night, in the Daisuke household, Haruto had sat his dad down and finally talked about what had been bothering him for the past 24 hours.

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