Tsukasa Tenma ~ A Kiss

Start from the beginning

You were 16 now and still had this going on. You didn't have many friends only a small sum of 3 but they were enough. You found yourself comparing yourself to them quite a lot though.

"Emu is so pretty and cheerful! I wish i could let loose and be like that.."   
"Tsukasa is super nice to people and does anything to make them smile.."

"wow this persons really pretty maybe i should try to put makeup on." so on so fourth.

though when you made friends you on instinct make a mental note and that's "don't get attached." Whenever you have friends you tend to get too attached and rely on them too much. When you make friends they always use you. They never..actually like you for you. and that's the sad part. You have spent half of your life as a low life looser with no friends. People always referred to you as "The pretty rich girl" and half of the time when people talked about you they talked about your grades.

"Y/N only gets good grades because of her father" "she uses daddy's money to bribe the teachers"

the only people who didn't talk bad about you was your small group of friends. This consisted of a girl with bright pink hair..her name was Emu. Emu otori..And besides emu you had Rui And Tsukasa. Even though they were nice to you now you knew that they would eventually turn their backs on you.

Present Time

"hey Y/N after school today wanna come with me tsukasa & rui we were planning on going to my place and watching movies!""But uh also my friend Nene will be there i don't think you have met her yet but you will if you come!!" Emu said in her usual cheerful tone.

"I would love to but my father-" you were cut off "don't worry about your father just sneak out tell him your at a study group or something" rui appeared out of what seemed like nowhere "but if he caught me-" you continued before you were stopped again.

"PLEASEEEEEE you never get out of that damn mansion just this onceeee PLEASEEE Y/NNN" Emu squealed jumping on you and it seemed like she would never let go.

"okay, okay...what time"

fast forward again because i'm lazy as hell and want to get smth out for you guys

here you were. outside of Emus house. Her house was actually bigger than you thought.

Right as you went to knock on the door before you could even knock actually you were let in by a girl with pastel-ish green hair. "hello...you must be..Y/N?" you supposed this girl was Nene?

"Yeah..That's me" you replied to which she let you in just for you to see everyone there except for Rui who seemed to be running a bit late..

"SO WHAT MOVIES SHOULD WE WATCH!" Emu squealed opening a whole drawer full of movies. 'damn what does this girl do all her life just buy movies...' They ended up picking out 2 horror movies and 3 normal movies. If it was one thing about you with horror movies...you loved them (plot twist in all stories created Y/N always hates them so i switched it up 🤭)

and with that you started on Movie 1 you sitting next to Tsukasa on a two person couch and emu and nene sitting together on the big couch and Rui chose to sit on this big fluffy pink bean bag Emu had. 'Of course it had to be pink.'

you guys were not even half way into the movie when tsukasa screamed in horror already and that was how it was for the rest of the movie. Your ear drums were practically bursting. "TSUKASA SHUT THE HELL UP YOU UNRIPE CHERRY OR I WILL PERSONALLY DRAG YOU OUT OF THIS ROOM AND LOCK YOU OUTSIDE....with the wolves..." you said the last part in a more evil mischievous tone. Enough to get him to shut up for 2.5 seconds before he started yelling again, enough that you took tsukasa by his wrist and dragged him outside to their yard. All of the others watched this go down and just didn't seem to care.

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