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"OH MY GOD!" he pratictily yelled in my face.  I flinch at his yelling but I smile at him, "Ethan I can't believe your here! It's been so long how are you?" I say kindly.
This is Ethan we were BEST friends in middle school until he moved away, we lost contact. I honestly for got about him.
"I'm great! I just can't believe your here!" He gives me a big smile and hugs me, I hug him back. It's kinda awkward but eventually I get used to the feeling.

Ethan gives me a tour of the school and we split ways.


I was walking down the hallway and turned the corner when I ran straight into a tall person, almost mistaking them for a wall.
I dropped all my books and almost fell down, but a hand held my waist. 

"I-im so sorry!" I feel my face heat with embarrassment. I look her in the eye, she let's go and I bend down to get my books, she helps pick them up too. "It's alright cutie, just watch out next time" she says smiling and winks at me, I blush and she laughs, she grabs all my books from my hands and holds them for me.  "What's your name cutie? Haven't seen you around before." She raises a brow and looks at me.
I reach for my books from her but she moves them, I look up at her and blush. She's hot as hell-.. "Isabella..its my first day. Can I please have my books?" I answer nervously.
"Nope,where's your locker?"
Is she really gonna carry my books for me?  "U-um over there.." I'm still blushing but I point to the lockers on the left wall.    She looks down at me and smiles. "No need to look so flustered sweetheart."  I nod and look at her, "what's your name?"
"Jazmine, call me jazmine though" She holds my hand and starts walking to the lockers I pointed at.  "Which one?"
I pointed at the locker number 109 "this one."  
She smiles and shakes her head. "Nuh-uh, this is my locker sweetheart."  I furrow my brow and get the paper out of my pocket. She's number is 08 not 09.


Me and Jaz traded numbers and for some reason I get butterflies when I'm with her.. Every time she calls me sweetheart my belly does this weird flip.
Do I like her?
No way! We just met.
"Miss. Blackthorn!"
I jump and look up. "Y-yes mrs. Glasper?" Kids in the class start laughing but the teacher quiets them.
"Pay attention, you don't want to fall behind your first day now do you?"
I look down at my lap and shake my head, embarrassed.


I get home around 3:30. T take my shoes off at the door and walk into the kitchen, I put my bag down on the floor and get a water. I go up stairs to find mom or dad, instead I find my mom on the phone yelling at someone.

Nathan... That's my dad's name..who did mom see with him? Why is she yelling..?
I peek through the door and walk in.   "OH SAVE IT YOU PIECE OF SH-" "mom..?"
She falls silent and turns around and looks at me, she's pale.. "Mom what's going on? Why are you yelling at dad, and calling him mean names?" I say kinda scared now.   "Honey, me and your father are just having an argument. Go to your room please. I love you" she says, she's still pale..but why?  I nod and run to my room closing the door and pushing my head in to my pillow so I didn't hear the screaming.

Dad didn't come home that night.

"J-jaz~  h-harder.."

I jolt up in bed, I'm sweaty as I remember the dream..

What the hell.

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