Garden Lodge Boys

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"I need to admit that I'm in a state of a shock but I do believe you. No soul could possibly know this except myself." Jim says, letting out a sigh.

I turn and look at Alice again and she's having trouble breathing again. "What's wrong with the friend of yours?" He asks. "She needs her inhaler, she's having trouble breathing" I say. "Okay let's take her inside, I'm sure Joe has one, he's asthmatic."

We walk trough the door and it suddenly hits me, I've spent years dreaming of walking into this place and now I'm finally here. What are the chances? It's so beautiful here, the garden is magical och there're all sorts of colours on the flowers.

We sit outside the house on a bench, admiring the view while Jim went to look for an asthma spray inside. "We did it Tori, we convinced him, now we just gotta tell them-" She was cut of by a voice behind us. "Hello?" we turn around only to see that Phoebe (Peter Freestone) is standing behind us with a smile. "Um.. hi-" I was cut off by Jim who's holing an inhaler in his hand. "They're with me, I'll tell you everything in a bit, let me just help out the girl first." he says handing the inhaler over to Alice.

"Who are these girls?" someone else asks from the house. This voice, I know this voice...

I can feel my eyes tearing up, a few drops slowly runs down my cheek. "Freddie this is Tori and... what's your name dear?" Jim asks. "Alice" she says with a thin voice. "Right, and Alice." Freddie turns to look at me. "And what's wrong with you dear? Are you hurt too?" He asks. "No- I'm fine- I just.." I can't continue the sentence, I just look down on the ground.          "I think these two have a lot to explain, but first, tea? Coffee?" Jim asks.


"And then we ended up here..." I look at everyone except Freddie because I can't be freaking out at this moment. I want to laugh, scream and cry, all at the same time. At this point I'm feeling so many emotions at the same time that I don't know what to say or do.

"Well I'll tell you, this is the most confusing day in my life" Jim blurts out. "Are we allowed to read more of the book? Or is it going to mess up with time too much?" he asks.

"Tbh, I don't know, I mean I would give you the whole book to read but there are some stuff that I just can't possibly let you guys know. Not because of the future, but because I care about you all"

"So you know almost everything?" Freddie asks. I turn to look at him, he looks so sad but so gorgeous just sitting there on the sofa. I don't think I've processed that it's actually Freddie Mercury sitting there. "Umm, not everything you know? But practically most of it" I say with a very shy voice.

"We'll I think we all want to know more, but it's getting late, why don't we take the rest tomorrow? Do you guys have a place to stay?" Freddie asks standing up. I shake my head and look at Alice and then back at Freddie again. "Well you can take the guest rooms. they're upstairs" He says leading us to two rooms in the same hallway.

"You guys can choose who takes what room, they're about the same size, just different decorations. Phoebe will get some pj's and towels for you!" He says walking away from us. "Thank you" I say with a very unsteady and nervous voice. I'm literally shaking in this moment.

I put my bag on the side of the bed and change to the pyjamas I got. It's just an oversized white t-shirt with a pair of blue shorts. I lay down on the bed that could probably fit 3 people and look around the room. It's all in Japanese... of course.

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