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This Os is in Sonakshi's POV..

Rohit comes into the kitchen & surprisingly asks: "What are you doing?" "Making dessert." I say very excitedly- like a 4yo at a candy store.

"I see." He says picking up a strawberry & then biting it little drops of juice fell from the corner of lips to his jawline & then neck & then his chest. He always keeps the top two buttons of his shirt open I guess he knows it's such a tease & so he does it.

He makes me eat the other half of the strawberry & asks: "So, what's for dessert?"

"Not Meee." I say sucking his finger after finish eating that strawberry & then bite it & push him a little back & giggle.

He then kisses me just for like a micro second & says: " Too spicy for dessert, aren't you?"

His breath lingers from my left cheek to my left ear to the back of my ear lobe which he kinda bites & then his long fingers touch my neck & he turns me around & I lock my arms around his neck & we stay there kissing each other for as long as I can remember.

"You know what? really want to make this cake." I say breaking our passionate kiss. "Then by all means; make the cake." He says & continues kissing me.

"You see, you're not helping here." I say in between. I so want to break the kiss, but also don't want him to go away but  also want to make that cake. You see my dilemma here?

"Can't have the best of both worlds can I?" I say in my head..

Atleast that's what I thought.

"We can." Rohit murmurs. "Okay then, let me help you." He says breaking the kiss & goes to the store room & gets himself an apron.

He wears the apron & then rolls the sleeves of his black shirt oh so slowly, I just can't stop staring. He knows the effect he's having & he actually loves it.

"Let's get to work ma'am, shall we?" He says in such a mocking tone I'm sure he has something else going on in his mind. Well, two can play a game. Oh I mean bake a cake

I try to concentrate on the recipe & say: "We first need to mix all these dry ingredients." and start mixing it all in the bowl & was just about to get the mixer/ blender when he comes and stands behind me & puts his hands on both my sides - in a way that I have no way of moving.

He then slides the fingers of his right hand from bottom to top of my right hand & then pulls my hand & puts our right hands into the bowl. He then repeats the same process with our left hands.

"We are supposed to be..." before I say anything; he comes even closer (as if there was any space left in between) - so close that I can feel his hot breath again on my right ear & he whispers in his sexiest  voice: "Shhh... concentrate on mixing darling." and then starts mixing all the DRY ingredients intertwining our hands back & forth. Everytime our hands go back, I could feel my elbow slightly touching his waist. The tingling sensation was burning indeed.

Everything around turns so HOT. I doubt we'll need an oven to bake this cake. My breath turns heavy & heart beats faster."I guess it's time for the WET ingredients now." He says & cannot just stop laughing.

I add milk & eggs & essence and all that I need to & then start whisking the batter.

"Why don't you want to help me with mixing the WET ingredients now?" I ask teasingly.

"Naah. I don't want to get my hands dirty you know. Plus don't want to miss out on this view." He says winking at me mixing all the ingredients & swaying along.

He's sitting on the counter top & is breaking the chocolates into pieces as I instructed him to & he looks oh so adorable when he eats 2-3 pieces in between.

"I see what you did there." I say. "Well, I'm sure ma'am won't punish me. I'm too cute to be punished, right?"He says coming next to me & putting the bowl of chocolate pieces beside the batter bowl.

"You are. Now. Taste this. Is the sugar okay. Is it sweet enough? "I make him taste the batter with the index finger of my right hand & he licks it a little longer than necessary.

"I think it needs to be a little more sweet." He says so seriously. And when i give him a look "You only taste & decide." He says & makes me taste the batter with his two fingers one by one & purposefully lets the batter spill a little out of my mouth.

Before I can grab a tissue & wipe it, he kisses the bottom of my lips & rolls over his tongue on the corner & wipes it clean.

"Mmmmmm. Now it's sweet enough." He says & gives me his wide smile...

I put the cake in the oven for baking & meanwhile he pours us Rosé. (my fav dessert wine.) "Ahaan! Impressive." I say clinging our glasses together. "Always wifey." he says & comes & sits beside me on the kitchen counter. Now I'm sitting with my head on his chest & his fingers playing with hair. "So, what do we do until the cake bakes?" He asks.

"I don't know. Just wait. Topping it up with whipped cream & fresh strawberries & chocolate shavings is my fav part though." say & get up to prepare the frosting.

"Did  You said whipped cream?." He smirks ..

"I also said chocolate & strawberries btw." I say dipping a strawberry in the chocolate sauce nearby & eating it ever so slowly as if I have all the time in the world...

"I see what you're doing there." He jumps down from the counter & accompanies me. "Well, hope you liked what you saw." say dipping another strawberry & continue teasing him..

"Oh! I totally did. Now let me taste some of that." He says & comes nearer & just when he was about to steal my strawberry, I put it on his nose & now his nose looks as if it's made of chocolate.

I then lick the chocolate off his nose & then pick up another strawberry, bite it & offer him the other half (just like he did, remember?) & then put some chocolate sauce on my lips & look at him with my eyes all fluttering & pouting my lips.

"You wanted to taste it, right? There you go." I say & lean forward...

The kiss starts slow & soft & before we
know his shirt is off, my one hand in his hair other one exploring his back..

His hands travel places on my body From my hair to the cheeks to the bone on my neck to the sides of my breast to my waist - which he holds a li'l tighter making me little weak in the knees... I almost lean on the kitchen wall & ...


The oven bell rings...

"Seems our dessert is ready." I say being almost out of breath.

"Let me have mine first." He said & we go off to the bedroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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