1. The Fight For Love

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Henry pov
'Weeeeeeeee, I'm flying!' I shouted while flying my talking red dragon and I see Charlotte flying a rainbow unicorn with wings next to me, she was beautiful... until Jasper accidentally knocked her over with his flying bucket with wings! 'Jasper! Why did you knock Charlotte down?! Say something!' I shouted over to him. 'RING! RING! RING!' That was all he could say, before I could ask why he sounds like an alarm, my world transported me to the void and dropped me down.
Ahhhhhhhhhh! Right before I could hit the ground... I woke up.
OH MY GOSH THAT WAS AWESOME! Oh yeah my alarm was ringing, I stopped my alarm from ringing and got out of bed. I got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast, as soon as I'm there, I saw my parents bruised and tired while Piper was... sleep texting. Whenever shes sleep texting she get fighty and bitey when people go near her so that explains the bruises on my parents sinking in the chair and dad fell asleep. "Henry... can you try to...wake up your sister...from sleep texting... please..." Mom ask me half asleep. "Alright." I answered hesitantly, walked to my sister, trying to stay at least 5 feet away from her, pulled out an air horn. As soon as I did I put on ear plugs while mom covered her ears and...HOOOOOOOONK! Piper woke up, "HENRY, PUT DOWN THE AIR HORN!!!" I stopped and saw my dad fall off his chair onto the ground moaning in pain while still tired, HA HA! Hilarious. "Henry! Did you know Piper was sleep texting?!" Dad stated. "Wow dad, great job, you finally know to state the obvious." I sarcastically 'praised' him. "Hey Hart family!" A familiar voice exclaimed after the door opened with my back facing it. It was Jasper, and he brought... a bucket, great... "Who wants to see my new bucket!" Everyone but Jasper groaned just HEARING the word bucket ughhhhhh whyyyyyy. "As I was saying-" BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! My watch beeped before Jasper started, thank god phew. "Oh uh I gotta go to work." I ran off but Jasper blocked me. "Can you at least stay until I finish telling my amazingly cool story about my bucket." Jasper practically begged. "More like amazingly BORING story about a STUPID BUCKET." Piper scoffed under her breath not wanting Jasper to hear. "Alright maybe I can stay a few minut- AHHHHHHH OH MY GOD!" I distracted and ran out the door while everyone looked the direction I was pointing at.
Piper pov
"Alright maybe I can stay a few minut- AHHHHHHH OH MY GOD!" Henry suddenly shouted pointing behind so I looked behind I saw nothing but when I turned back he was gone, I should have saw it coming. "Henry's gone! Well I'm off I'm too tired to deal with this right now." Mom said and went upstairs to sleep and Dad went along with her. "*sighs* Well, I guess I'm going home." Jasper sighed in a 'I'm defeated' tone. "Wait! So your just gonna give up? Henry's hiding something and we need to find out what it is! Can you help me?" I asked. Jasper sighed and then nodded.
Henry pov
I soon arrived at junk and stuff, went in, pressed the elevator button, got in the elevator and down I went, screaming. "Ray! Ray? RAY!" I shouted for my boss but I can't find him. "Ray is already at the alley beside Swellview park! Quickly suit up now!!!" I look behind and see schwoz, if you don't know he is the one who makes gadgets and inventions, schwoz then keep pushing me. "Okay okay!" I transformed into kid danger and when to the crime scene.
Piper pov
"Come on let's go to junk and stuff, his work place." I pulled Jasper's arm and dragged him out of the house. When we were there we checked the whole store, nothing, I knew it! "Wait how about this elevator?" Just as Jasper finished saying, he was just about to pushed the button when I stopped him. "Don't do that! Remember when you triggered a drum set to fall on my head and lock down the store?! Let's just go find him and bust him but where would he be?" I thought for a moment but Jasper interrupted my thoughts. "Oh! He likes to go to the park I'm sure he's there!" "Only one way to find out come on!" We walked there hoping we can find him... AND THEN HE WILL BE DEAD! HAHAHA! I never thought park walks were THIS awkward and THIS silent but I decided to run there so I will not get into an awkward conversation with Jasper over here and he can run too so it's a better choice. "*panting* Why... are... we... running *coughs*" Jasper stopped in his tracks so I stopped too. "I don't know!*panting*" I pretend to be angry so I don't have to explain. BANG! CRASH! What was that it came from Swellview park alley. "You heard that? It came from that alley come on!" I said and dragged him there. Woah! Captain Man and kid danger are fighting a few bad guys when suddenly Jasper pulled me down, hiding behind some crates. "We have to stay undetected behind here." Jasper whispered. "Speak for yourself! Let's go help them instead, their in trouble!" I ran there but only to be pulled back by Jasper. "No, your gonna get in trouble!" Jasper whisper-shouted. "NO I WILL NOT LET GO OF ME AND I'LL GO MYSELF! I whisper-shouted louder and went to help. "Don't worry I can help!" I exclaimed not knowing there was a bad guy behind me. "Pip- little girl, look out behind you!" Kid danger warned but it was too late the bad guy got hold of me and threatens captain man and kid danger that he will kill me if they don't give up, why didn't I listen to Jasper?!
Jasper pov
Oh no Piper's in trouble what do I do, this is all my fault I should not have let her go. I can't give up now, I started it now I'm gonna fix it, but the question is how. Well the bad guy holding piper has his back facing me so... maybe I could tackle him without him knowing it was coming, Okay time to save my friend. So I crept up behind and TACKLED HIM making him loose him grip of piper but now his grip of me, I should have thought twice before acting. I am still on him back but it is a little hard as he is trying to shake me off. "Here a weapon! Aim it and shoot it at him!" Captain man said and gave me the weapon. Aim and...wait it upside down... okay aim and FIRE! I flew off and on the ground along with everyone else but captain man, looks like he flew to another country hehe. "CAPTAIN MAN I'M COMING TO SAVE YOU! Uhhhh you two kids stay here and wait for the police to come and don't let them escape while I get captain man, okay?" Kid danger asked and we nodded.
Piper pov
Oh my god JASPER SAVED ME, he risk his life to SAVE me, maybe he's not that annoying after all, I mean if it wasn't for him I would have died or captain man and kid danger would have gave up and the bad guys could have escaped. "Jasper?"
"Thanks for saving me and risking your life for me."
"Oh your welcome."
"But why?"
"Because your my friend and don't want to lose a friend even if they deserve it."
"Wow Jasper, I owe you my life, how will I ever repay you?"
"For starters you can just...um stop yelling at me all the time, so deal?"
This time I didn't have my fingers crossed behind my back while pinky promising with him like I always do to everyone and anyone since he saved me, I just want to it make up my friend...
"Best friends?" I ask.
"Best friends."
...my best friend.
We hug and we said to see each other tomorrow so Jasper walked off, I never thought I'd be saying this but I think I'm in love with him.
         TO BE CONTINUED...
(Word count for this chapter: 1380 words.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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