Introduction :)

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Henry pov

Hey everyone, I am Henry Hart and I will tell you a little about myself and my friends. My sister is Piper and I have 2 best friends, Jasper and Charlotte.
I met Jasper before Charlotte, he is a bucketeer so he is OBSESSED with buckets, but I don't really like it when he keep blabbing non stop about it, however, when you know him well, he is a pretty fun guy to hangout with.
Charlotte on the other hand is very smart...well at least she smarter then everyone in junk and stuff, oh and I forgot to tell you I work in junk and stuff as kid danger along with captain man AKA ray, my boss.   Anyways, although sometimes she is a bit of a nerd, bossy and kind of sassy, she is still very fun to hang out with when you get to know her.
I have a few secrets that you have to keep, that I'm kid danger, and I have a little crush on Charlotte.

Charlotte pov
Hi I'm Charlotte Page and I have 3 best friends, Henry, Piper and Jasper. (I skipped the introduction of Henry Jasper and Charlotte since it was said above.) Piper is of course a little bit of a drama queen sometimes but when she's in a good mood she will be very cheerful and a great friend. Here's some stuff no one knows but me and only a few other people, I know Henry is kid danger and I have a little crush on Henry, don't tell anyone.

Jasper pov
Hey guys I'm Jasper Dunlop and I have 2 best friends, Henry and Charlotte while Piper is just a friend cuz she is always yelling at me and only me, other than that she can be my best friend but that's not gonna happen if she's a yeller.
(I skipped introduction in all of them since their mention already)

Piper pov
Hi guys, name's Piper Hart and my best friend is Charlotte. I have a SUPER ANNOYING BROTHER, Henry, but sometimes he's...he's veryyyyyy n-niiiice ughhhhhh I regret saying that but it is HORRIBLY true...
End of pov
Hi I'm Eliza and pls comment, vote and follow me if you like it, enjoy!
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