[3] Detroit: November

Start from the beginning

     "Sounds good to me," Simon shrugged.

     They ended up getting street tacos from a food truck, various treats from various vendors, and Markus was even offered extra sweets from the working Androids who recognized him. Simon was an expert at the craft stations (he was programmed to work with kids, after all), and he made some beautiful papel picado that he gave to some kids running around for decorations. They all decorated sugar skulls and bought masks, and joined some dancers who started a dance circle next to a fountain.

     Each of them left marigolds and their sugar skulls at a small memorial with the CyberLife logo. Though Androids didn't technically die, and nobody was sure if they went anywhere after being deactivated, there was still a little tribute. Nobody commented when they saw North cry, though they rubbed her back and Markus gave her a hug.

     As the families with kids began to trickle out, the streets became more spacious, and people began to dance again. Then the mariachi band came in, and everyone was dancing. People stomped their feet, jumped about, waved their masks, spun each other around, and swayed happily until the band was done at around midnight.

November 5

     Months after the Androids won their revolution, Markus demanded at least one cemetery for Androids. He said he had been to one of the junkyards where deactivated Androids were dumped, and it was dirty, upsetting, and frankly terrifying. He insisted on a proper burial area, especially considering they weren't biodegradable and should not be thrown away otherwise.

     There were three cemeteries created around Detroit for Androids, most of whom had given their lives for the revolution or the people they had worked for.

     November 5th through 11th had been deemed "Android Remembrance Week." All week, the flag of the revolution was flown. All American flags were half-mast. Memorials were set up all over the city. A group of Androids gathered outside of the old CyberLife tower and sang. The news broadcasted it for hours.

     "Hold on just a little while longer, everything will be alright"

     3 years after the revolution, Android Remembrance Week was still a huge deal.

     Connor bought more flowers than he could carry, and drove graveyard to graveyard placing each one carefully by every grave. He bought entire bouquets for every deviant he had personally captured and turned in to the police.

     Bzzzzzzzzzt. Bzzzzzzzzt. Bzzzzzzzzzzt.

     [△] Check contact

     [ X ] Pick up

     [□] Decline call/Hang up

     [O] Let it finish ringing



     [ X ]

     "Hey, Hank."

     "Connor, where are you? I haven't seen you all day."

     He sounded worried.

     "I apologize, it slipped my mind to leave you a note. I'm at the cemetery by the hardware store. I've been..." Connor paused, "I decided today was a good day to visit some people. Pay my respects."

     "Oh. Okay. How much longer do you think you'll be?"

     "I'm not sure. I still have...a few things to drop off," Connor replied. He hadn't visited these cemeteries yet out of avoidance, so he didn't actually know the locations of the specific graves he intended to visit.

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