Chapter 1

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  Y/n stood back at their bed, a small backpack and satchel packed with their few things. Their hands were shaking, but they didn't know if it was because of the anxiety or adrenaline over what was happening.


 "Before we get into me, can I at least know your names?" Y/n asked, their leg quietly bouncing under the table. "Silly me! I forgot about that part," the green-haired man giggled, "My name is... Sean." He seemed to hesitate, but Y/n shrugged it off. "I'm Mark," the other man said plainly, as most people usually did in these interviews. "So, what are your hobbies?" Sean asked, leaning forward in his chair slightly.

  "I know how to paint, I only get to do it in therapy though. Oh- and I like mending clothes," Y/n said, the two men seeming slightly confused. "Mending clothes?" Mark inquired, making Y/n hesitate. "It's the most I'm allowed to do, my therapist didn't want them keeping sharp objects around me for long for... obvious reasons," Instead of the usual cringe they got from the 'sharp object' comment, the two just nodded in understanding. "I've been in that place myself, we understand," Sean said gently, giving Y/n a small smile.

  "What about your education? Are you in school?" Mark asked, resting his hands together on the table. "I haven't been to a real school in years," Y/n admitted quietly, embarrassed. "Too many panic attacks, but in my opinion just too many people," they continued once Mark raised an eyebrow. He sighed, "Then we'd have to get you caught up, but we can do that at home once you're comfortable there." "What was your favorite subject?" Sean asked, "While you were there of course."

  "I liked writing. Writing and art."


  Y/n grabbed their backpack and slung it over their shoulder, looking at the beds around them. "Are you leaving without me?" Y/n turned to the teenage boy in the doorway. "I never thought I would.. I'm sorry, Issac," they said, anxiety spiking as he stepped closer. He pulled them into a tight hug, burying his head in their shoulder. "Promise me you'll write to me, Y/n," he begged, his voice cracking slightly. "I swear on my soul, Issac, every day until you get out of here too," Y/n whispered, not trusting their voice as they pulled away. Issac smiled sadly, the red in his face deepening his milk-chocolate skin and his amber eyes starting to look swollen and puffy. He grabbed the satchel on the bed, slipping something inside. "Let's get you to your new parents,"

  Issac walked Y/n down the stairs, the teens cheering them down the hallway. Y/n couldn't fathom why, until the girl at the end smiled. She was the one who slept next to Y/n and heard the most about their nightmares. "Don't come back, alright? And no more nightmares either, it's gonna get better" she said, gently patting Y/n's shoulder. These kids were Y/n siblings, they all were just about the same age. Y/n smiled back, "No more nightmares."

  Mark and Sean were waiting at the bottom of the stairs, Sean smiling wide while Mark took a second to check his watch. "Are you ready to go?" Sean asked, Issac handing him the satchel. Y/n nodded in response, turning to wave to everyone else but realizing Issac was the only one left. Mark led them out to the car, Y/n sitting in the backseat by themselves. As they pulled off, Y/n couldn't help but wonder if they were doing the right thing. Too late for that talk now.

  The car ride was quiet other than the radio. Somewhere along the way, it started raining, which was comforting. Y/n managed to drift off to the sound of rain and cheesy 2000s pop music, not realizing what exactly was going on as the car turned onto a wooded dirt road.

(643 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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