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You went off to college in the fall, and you loved it. Art had always been your passion. Sure, you had excelled in school, your father wasn't wrong when he said you were smart to Tony Stark that long ago day. But the fact was, all the other things you found interesting paled in comparison to your love for art.

During the holiday breaks, you'd go back to your house in Queens and pick up shifts at the bar you worked at since you were 16. You tried to ignore the way that your father seemed to slowly be unraveling; drinking more and he had started gambling. But while you were at school, you were able to put your concerns about your father away for a bit and pretend like you were normal.

In your second year, on your 19th birthday, you were walking towards the cafeteria for lunch after classes with your friends when you heard your name called from behind. Turning around, you came face-to-face with none other than the man you half blamed for your father's deteriorating behavior.

"Mr. Stark, what brings you're here?" You asked in surprise, trying to ignore the way that your friends were reacting to his presence.

"Please, call me Tony, honey," he responded smoothly and making you roll your eyes when you heard the suppressed giggles from the others. Your eyes traveled over to the man you had seen once before, when your father and Stark had that meeting.

Smiling politely, you said, "Is there something I can do for you?"

"I was wondering if you would be willing to show me some of your art," Tony said.

He withheld the smirk that wanted to tug at his lips when your eyes widened in surprise some before you carefully shuttered the emotion away and said, "Actually, I'm heading to lunch before my next class."

"Perfect, we can get lunch together."

It wasn't a question but nearly a command and that set your teeth on edge. You were opening your mouth to tell him to basically fuck off when one of your friends spoke up from behind you.

"She'd love to."

You sent a glare over your shoulder at the woman, who just smiled brightly at you.

"Great, the car is over here," Tony said gesturing to the side. Once more you opened your mouth to tell him no but before they came out one of your friends nudged you forward hard enough to cause you to stumble forward.

Tony caught you effortless, his hands steadying you as he watched your friends desert you. You glared over your shoulder at your traitorous friends as they headed away giggling. Then Tony's hand was pressing gently against your lower back, and he was directing you towards a waiting limo.

Happy moved forward and opened the door for the pair of you. Tony looked at you with a smirk, "I don't slide."

You rolled your eyes a little, climbing in and scooting over before you settled against the buttery leather seat. Tony settled across from you, his arms resting on the back of the seat as Happy got in behind the wheel and pulled away from the curb.

"Where are we going?" You asked after a few minutes.

"Lunch," he responded just to see your eyes roll.

Happy's eyes met him in the review mirror and Tony nodded once. He knew where to go without needing to be told. It wasn't a long drive and then Happy was pulling over and parking. You shook your head as you stepped out of the vehicle and watched Happy dash across the street towards where a group of food trucks were gathered.

Tony headed in the opposite direction, and you stood there looking between the two of them. You were extremely confused.

"Hey!" you called out to Tony.

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