That Damned Devil || Matt Murdock

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"I'm sure he's fine. Aren't you the one who said he's a superhero?"

"Regardless, anyone can be hurt...I really hope he's okay and has someone to help with his injuries, you know? 'can't be nice getting beat up doing good for the city only to go home alone," there's a soft kindness to your words making Matt's heart ache. It's not your fault, but rather his. He shouldn't let himself be tricked on the idea that you're worried about him. In truth, you're only worried about that damned Daredevil, not Matthew Murdock.

"Listen, I have a lot of paperwork to get through right now and I don't really have time for distractions. Can't we talk about...whatever this is some other time?" Matt sits back once again, rubbing his face with one hand which lifts his glasses slightly off his face before they fall back into place over his nose.

You frown, this time noticing the annoyance that rises with every word from him. Shamefully, you push yourself off his desk with a slow nod, making sure to gather your newspaper too," yeah...yeah, of course...Sorry, I'll, um...I'll tell Foggy to talk to you when he gets back."

It breaks Matt's heart to hear that pounding in your chest. Unlike the joyful uplift that follows your thoughts about Daredevil, his own words- the words of your friend and colleague- made the beating rushed and nervous; sad even. Once again, he's made you sad as he always seems to manage, but it's never with ill intent.

He can't help that growing irrational jealousy he feels whenever you go on about your beloved Devil of Hell's Kitchen. Each conversation fills Matt with the desire to have you talk about him, Matthew Murdock, in the same way. Hell, he's even gotten desperate enough to ask Foggy if you ever talk about him when he's not at the office, but alas, you're tight lipped with your only topic surrounding Daredevil...Of course, you're in love with the shadow of the man who actually returns your affections. How ironic.

After taking such a beating the night before, Matt's bones ache in the chill of tonight's air which is no better up on top the building's roof than it is at ground level

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After taking such a beating the night before, Matt's bones ache in the chill of tonight's air which is no better up on top the building's roof than it is at ground level. Perhaps it would've been wiser to go with Foggy to Josie's instead of that just being some stupid excuse he gave you when you had asked about his plans after work. He admits that he dodged the question a bit too roughly, making you off-put as you mumbled something about checking out a new restaurant in Hudson Yards.

"That sounds fun."

What kind of response is that? He didn't even bother asking why you were going. You never go to fancy restaurants on your own which means you must be going with someone else and had been prompting Matt to ask further questions. Instead, the topic has only recently become a concern of his, making his mind spin so much so that he may or may not be standing on a rooftop a street down from the restaurant in question, listening to see if he can't catch any hints as to who you're with.

He's not stalking you, let that be known. Matt Murdock is no stalker. He's just a worried friend who wants to check up on you while he's in the area. It's a slow night and the restaurant's only a quarter mile outside of Hell's Kitchen, so he has the time on his hands.

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