Shadows and Shades - Part 12

Start from the beginning

His breathing stuttered in his chest as he reached up, gently gripping her wrists and breathing her in. "You make me believe that's so."

She smirked against his mouth. "Good. I'll make sure to keep reminding you."

A few hours later, the two of them were strolling through the streets of Raxulon, weaving through the crowd that was gathering for the Empire Day parade. Banners displaying the Imperial insignia hung from every building, and black and red confetti filled the air. Children sprinted by with sparklers or fried food on a stick. The entire atmosphere was one of celebration, but Crosshair could feel the underlying current of fear that rippled through the crowd anytime a squad of stormtroopers passed by.

All desperate to be seen as good citizens, and I can hardly blame them. It's that or risk imprisonment.

He reached behind him, grasping for Iden's hand, and he felt her gloved fingers intertwine with his as the crowd around them began to thicken. "You alright back there," he asked over his shoulder.

"Fine," she muttered just as two children sprinted by her, causing her to stumble. Before she could splutter out a curse, the culprits had disappeared into the crowd, leaving her with nothing but her wounded dignity as she righted herself. Crosshair smirked at her as she scowled.

"Still the epitome of grace, I see."

He turned to continue making his way through the crowd, and just as he took his first step, he felt a toe catch his heel from behind. He managed to catch himself before he fell, whirling to see Iden's tongue poking between her teeth, her eyes glittering.

"Who's graceful now?" she joked.

"Alright, that's enough out of you, darling," he growled, gripping her shoulders and pulling her in front of him, his hands resting on her hips as he guided her forward through the crowd.

"You're no fun," she muttered with a slight pout.

He leaned down so that his lips were pressed against her ears. "That's not what you said this morning."

Whether due to the cold or a sudden shyness, Iden's cheeks flushed. She swatted at his arm, and he chuckled, placing a kiss to her temple. "Come on. We're almost there." The citizens of the capital city were jostling for position along the main avenue, and Crosshair maneuvered Iden to a decent-sized gap in the crush, placing his hands on her shoulders as he leaned down to rest his chin on the top of her head. He felt her lean back into him slightly, and he gave her a reassuring squeeze.

Crosshair could hear the parade coming before he saw the first glint of sunlight reflected off of stormtrooper armor. The cheering crescendoed as the first squadron marched closer, their boots rhythmically thumping against the pavement. The roar built around them, and he felt a chill run up his spine. Glancing around, he flipped up the collar of his coat further and pulled the cap he was wearing just a little lower over his eyes. He knew no one was looking for him here, but he still felt the urge to make himself less visible, to slink into the shadows unnoticed. Iden seemed to notice his discomfort, slipping her hand into his once more and giving him a comforting squeeze. He looked down at her, and while she had the same unfeeling smile plastered across her face that the rest of the crowd did, he could see the concern in her eyes as they searched his. Leaning down, he placed a kiss to her forehead.

"I'm alright."

She nodded, turning back to the parade and politely clapping as a pair of AT-STs plodded by them. Crosshair played along, clapping with the rest of the crowd as two Imperial officers emerged from the hatches of the walkers, waving at the onlookers, who whooped and cheered even louder. The officers tossed candies at groups of children, and Crosshair felt his stomach lurch as the younger ones clamored for their sweet prizes.

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