9. w a y d o w n w e g o

Start from the beginning

"steve, what are you doing?" bea asked as he took off his socks.

"somebody's gotta go down and check this out. unless one of you four can top being a hawkins high swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years, then...it's gotta be me. no complaints, alright?"

"hey, i'm not complaining," eddie says, looking at the group. "i do not want to go down there."

steve took off his shirt, causing nancy to stare. robin nudged bea and pointed to the young woman.

"i see," bea smirked, seeing nancy so entranced. steve prepared himself to dive.

"hey," eddie began. "good luck."

"thanks," steve replied.

eddie goes to light a cigarette, but robin takes it out of his mouth. "gross!"

"steve!" nancy called. "be careful."

steve smiled at her and nodded before jumping into the water.

the group waited, anxiously for steve to return.

"where we at, wheeler?" robin asked, concerned.

"closing in on a minute."

"okay." robin exhaled, nervously.

the waves began to rock the boat. beatrice looked around for the source of the waves but found nothing. suddenly, steve came up from the water, gasping for air.

"holy shit!" bea screamed, reaching out for him to grab.

"i found it!" steve pants, grabbing onto the boat.

"you found it?" nancy exclaimed.

"yeah, i found it."

the group sighs in relief. "dustin, you are a goddamn einstein," robin said into the walkie. "steve found the gate."

"it's more of a snack-size gate than the mama gate, but still, it's pretty damn big—"

steve was being tugged back into the water.


the movement stopped and his fingers gripped the side of the boat. suddenly, he was dragged under.

"steve!" they are shouted as he was pulled down.

"steve!" "no!"

"what the hell was that, man?" eddie screamed.

"nancy, really, what happened?" robin yelled out.

"what the hell was that?" beatrice shrieked.

nancy stands up, about to jump off the boat.

"wait! you're not going in there, are you?" eddie says, holding her arm back.

"i am," beatrice replies, jumping off the boat after steve.

"bea!" robin shouted, trying to grab her before she hit the water.

mercy ; peter ballardWhere stories live. Discover now