Love Without Limits

Começar do início

I decided to go to the mall after eating my breakfast and having a minor meltdown. I plan to buy some items to embellish my room. I also wish to buy some books and art supplies. I will regain my strength to do the things that I love. I know Mommy and Daddy will be happy up there.

I was in the cashier when my phone rang. It was the guy who called me earlier this morning. This guy is really testing my patience.

"What?" I said in an angry tone

"Madame, don't you want to get your empty wallet? You have your ID's here." he said.

"I'm in the mall now, can you just drop it off here? I'll text you the address."

"I'll be the one who will adjust? Remember, this is your wallet."

"Fine, where do you want to meet?"

"I'll text you the address."
he said, mockingly.

This guy is getting into my nerves. Only if I don't have important things in my wallet, I won't be there.

I immediately saw him the moment I entered the restaurant. He's wearing a plain polo shirt that made him look so handsome.

Wait, what? Handsome? Should I get my eyes checked?

"Can I get my wallet now?"

"Why don't you sit down first?"

"I went here to get my wallet, not to have a chit chat with you."

"I will not return your wallet if you will not sit." he said and crossed his arms.


"I just ordered, what do you want?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Well, I will not give you back your wallet if you will not eat."

"Fine! You're so annoying!"

I promptly placed my order for the food I want. He never quit bothering me while we waited for our order.

"Why were you crying last night? Did your boyfriend dump you?"

"Why are you so concerned?No one has ever dumped me, and no one ever will."
I asserted.

"So, what made you cry?" he said again.

"Can't you please just stop?"


This guy is certainly putting a strain on my patience.

"My parents died, and they were buried yesterday." I said.

I'm sure he wasn't expecting it. I don't want to tell anyone about my problems, but he's so aggravating. But it made my heart flutter a little. It seems so comforting to have someone with whom I could express my dilemmas in life.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's fine; I've already said it.I'm hoping you'll remain quiet now."

When our orders arrived, we ate in solitude. I didn't say anything since he didn't. He handed me my wallet after we finished eating. I suddenly felt bad for not being nice to him.

"Uh, I'll go now." he said as he was about to turn away from me.

"Wait! Ice cream, maybe? "


We stopped by an ice cream parlor not far from the restaurant. He gradually returned to his usual cheerful demeanor. He said something funny that made me laugh.

Heart and MindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora