Love Without Limits

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I've always dreamed about finding a perfect love. A love that leaves no room for uncertainty and will not cause you to overthink things. I was constantly praying to God to give me a man who would understand me. A man who will always be my ally, my best friend, and someone I can run to whenever I need someone to listen to me.

Guess what? God is truly wonderful. All of my prayers were heard by Him. He gave me more than just a man who is willing to understand me. He blessed me with a man who is willing to spend his entire life with me.

I've never felt so blessed in my entire life. I believe that he was godsend, he came to me during my darkest moments. He was there for me when no one else was.

I sat with my head bowed on the side of the road. This is quite likely the most painful thing that has ever happened to me in my whole life. This is the day that my parents were laid to rest. On the way home from our vacation, we were embroiled in an accident. I was the only one who made it out alive with only minor scars and wounds.

My tears will just not cease. It was as if I had lost the willpower to get up and head back home. When I see our house, all I could think about were my parents. I can't seem to cope with how painful it is.

"You'll be okay in no time. You can overcome it and move on with your life." said a voice that I couldn't even recognize.

Is he stupid or what? How am I supposed to get through this situation?

I stood up and shouted at him out of fury.

"You have no idea about what I'm feeling, so how can you say that? Those 'you'll be able to get through it' will not work for me. What 'you'll get through it', 'you can move on with your life'? I CAN'T!"

"Easy, easy! By the way, it's not 'you'll be able to get through it' it's 'you can overcome it'." he said, mockingly.

He makes me shiver; he's obnoxious! I gave him a cold stare before grabbing my bag and walking away.

The next morning, a call from an unregistered number jolted me awake. What's the matter, it's still early. Is this caller not engrossed in his phone that he can't see that it's only 6 a.m.?

"Hello, who's this?"

"Hello, rise and shine! Time to wake up!" I heard a cheerful voice from the other end of the line.

"Who are you? Don't you have a clock to see that it's only 6 a.m.?" I shouted.

"Madame, easy!" the man said.

His voice seems so familiar. Oh! He's the man that made me angry last night.

"How did you get my number?"

I just heard a laugh from the other line.


"Sorry, last night, your wallet fell on the side of the road where I found you, and there was a calling card inside, so I called you."

He stated it in a tone that sound likes he's competing with me.

"Oh fine, just return it to me. Maybe you did steal it, but you have a terrible conscience and decided to return it. I'll file a lawsuit against you!"

"Your face is as thick as your wallet. It's empty, I have nothing to steal." he said laughing

How could he say that? Out of frustration, I promptly disconnected the call. I went downstairs to cook breakfast. I am still innovating in the silence of the house. Breakfast is not prepared by Mommy. No daddy is reading the newspaper while drinking coffee. As I sat on the sofa, my tears began to fall once more. It's difficult, but I need to learn how to live alone. I'm no longer with them, but I'm certain that there's a reason why I survived.

Heart and MindOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz