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Cale Henituse, the Young Master and future heir of Henituse County. A territory so rich that it may be mistaken for the kingdom's capital. 

Henituse County has the potential to separate from Roan Kingdom and form its own kingdom but, the Lord of the territory never let that happen. 'There is no need to be recorded in history. Live for peace and happiness' was the prime motto of Henituse territory.

As a noble, Cale had a few opportunities to interact with the people living in the County. It is obviously known to any commoner that nobles rarely show their faces in public. But that is not what exactly happening in case of our beloved young master.

 Cale usually used to go on a rampage every single day in the city and small villages that would not block his path. He was the lord's kid. Of course no one was going to stop him. Cale caused many ruckuses and bar fights and much trouble to deal with.

 But in the end of the day it was discovered that there was an error in judgement. The most of the time there was just simply the corruption that Cale would handle it evenhandedly.

Cale was feared or I rather say- avoided by many of the people. Obvious reasons were in fear of getting their properties damaged due to few workers that conducted malpractices. Everyone knows that there is no pure business in the real world. We have get our hands dirtied sometimes to achieve some long time success.

'Trash' was a nickname of our beloved young master because he trashes the place he visits if he found even a little bit scent of mischief. He surely was going to be a ruthless and strict Lord. People did not fail to see this. 

Even though his actions were full of bad behaviour and misconduct, even though he had himself revoked his title as an heir at a very early age by causing accidents, Lord Deruth still hoped him to be the next Count as his successor.

But, Cale Henituse, that lad was a bit odd. He had his own dream. His dream was the most selfish one. A dream that very few could achieve that too after their retirement. He wanted to be a slacker. Like how most people of the 1800's were more concentrated on leisure, parties and travel, Cale also wanted his life to be like that. He wanted his life to be free of trouble.

No one knew, who am I kidding? Almost half of the County knew that Young Master Cale had a lover. That guy treated Cale like an actual princess. Cale's lover was more of an actual soulmate, a fated pair. His name was Iaz.

Iaz had a hidden gene character in his DNA of trait - Human Omega. Human species has evolved and devolved in their world for millions of years. That was why the world where Cale Henituse lived was different. It is widely known that beast species contain Alpha-Beta-omega gender classification, but due to gradual changes and mating with other beast-human species, Alpha-Beta-Omega second gender classification did thrive for some millenniums of human species history. 

But gradually, these traits became extinct, leaving only the Betas behind. Iaz was a victim of gene mutation. That was why the hidden or recessive gene in Iaz came to exist. He could give birth, but to only dominant Alpha's child. Otherwise the process of fertilisation won't actually take place and formation of a fetus with all pairs of chromosomes without any disorder would be disrupted. 

Cale on the other hand had dominant Alpha genes received from his mother who was an Dominant alpha from a long line of pure bred alphas of the Thames family. But he was not pure bred. Deruth, Cale's father was an ordinary Beta. That was why he couldn't express his traits to full extent. Meaning no going in rut and no producing extra hormones/pheromones. Though he had small fangs that really looked cute.

Cale and Iaz didn't come together as Alpha and Omega. No. Rather they were each other's very trusted friends. As told in other stories, that alpha and omegas attract potential mate by pheromones and scents, that thing didn't seem to happen to them even once. But, they were lovers. Trusted companions of life and death. 

 But just like that, one day Iaz fled from Henituse territory. Rumours had it that Iaz's family had angered a god. That was why the whole family had fled looking for shelter in the realms of the rivalled god.  If they go to the enemy of the god which they angered, there might be a chance of their survival.

Cale was not heart broken. Iaz and Cale have had a long conversation about Iaz's family's situation. Being friends for a long time had taught them to be open and accepting towards each other. And anyhow, they both were still young. There was whole life in front of them to live. They'll meet up in future. They both were mature enough to make their split into a happy one rather than a sad dramatic separation.  

Iaz was pregnant. Believe it or not, there were lives in his stomach. Twins. After escaping, Iaz gave birth to two beautiful babies. Unfortunately that took a toll on his body and health. Iaz died after few days. 

 Iaz wanted his kids to be named after his and his boyfriend's name. That was how the babies were named as Cai and Caz. A beautiful mixture of both the parents.

Iaz lived in a far away land in Askosan after escaping from Roan kingdom. They lived in a pretty decent house with only his grandmother, Moon and his brother, Ryo.

 One year after Iaz's death Ryo, Granny Moon and Ryo looked after the kids as well as they could. But there was this drought in their kingdom that made many people loose their lives. Granny Moon was one of them. 

Ryo needed to earn some money. It was practically impossible to take care of a year old toddlers and earn some bread and milk for their living. He wanted to go to Roan's prestigious Academy. He wanted to study magic, combat, alchemy, etc there. It was his dream. He had some wealth stocked up for it and also a glowing reference letter from one of the ex-student. The only problem was- the babies.

Cai and Caz had grown up into two beautiful and adorable one year olds. But they still were very small. Caz was the oldest mischievous little girl who made trouble and Cai was the youngest smart little boy who knew how to get them out of the trouble. It seemed that Caz and Cai had unbelievable growth and mind maturity rate. Or it just might be because they were, Alpha and Omega respectively. The higher species of them all. 

Ryo had finally gave in and decided to go to Roan. After the Roan kingdom, actually, after their commander had defeated the Northern Indomitable Alliance single-handedly there was quite some peace after a long time. There was a celebration taking place in the Huiss city, Capital of Roan kingdom; also the place where he could give the entrance examination to get into that academy. 

Ryo had made up his mind to hand over Cai and Caz to Cale, their biological father. He had known it from the start about it. It was impossible to not know about the love affair, pregnancy and the the real father of the kids. It was just too obvious. He knew that cale did had a few screws loose in his head but at the end of the day, he was a good person. Ryo can give to kids to Cale without any regret. 

After all, Ryo was only sixteen. He didn't know how he'll handle the kids in coming future. His neighbours were nice enough to help him a little but how much should he depend on them.Before, granny Moon used to do everything, now he is all alone. He also just couldn't give away the twins to some orphanage. He'd have to go along with them because he is also a minor. But that was of no worrying matter as the government and the people were very poor to give him any kind of help.

Ryo decided to give Cale a hell of a visit.

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