chapter 2 !

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Delilah POV !

The moms and I were watching the fireworks and talking while the guys were playing with their kids or talking with other family. Maude was talking with the others but I was mainly focused on the fireworks.

I was just standing there looking up at the fireworks when all of a sudden I feel someone come up to me. I look to my side and see Cody. He looks down at me and smiles and I smile back. I didn't expect us to talk so I just stood there quiet.

"You enjoying the fireworks," he asked.

"Yeah. A lot actually. I think they're really pretty," I said still looking up.

"What'd you think of my grand slam?"

"I thought it was cool, obviously. It made me think I was psychic."

He starts laughing and I just look at him

"What," I asked.

He keeps on laughing and I lightly push him. He pushes me back and I stumble back a little. We push each other back and forth a couple more times until he finally tells me.

"So you think you're psychic because I hit a grand slam?"

"Either that or I'm just awesome."

He laughs at what I said and it goes quiet again. But, thankfully, not an awkward quiet. A comfortable silence. It took me a while to realize that the others went into the dugout so it was just Cody and I left on the field. Some of the kids were running around the field but they were kinda far from us.

I look to my other side to talk to Maude but then I realized that she wasn't there.

I look at Cody and say, "Where did everyone go?"

"Oh, they went into the dugout a while ago."

"Wait you noticed? Why didn't you say anything?!"

"Because I didn't care."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean.. I was okay with just being here alone with you."

He looks down at me and smiles. I smile back at him.

"Hey.. um.. Chris and Justin and their wives are coming over to my place after this. You should come too."

"No, I can't-"

"Oh come on! Kourtney and Mary love you so it wouldn't be too bad."

"I appreciate the invite but I have Maude with me so..."

"So bring her with you."

"I don't know. I'll have to talk to her about it."

He just nods his head and we continue onto a different conversation.


Fireworks are over and now we're all in the parking lot heading to our cars. I'm walking with Maude and Cara (Will Smith's wife) right now. We say our goodbyes to everyone and head to our car. Maude gets into the passenger seat and before I could, someone taps my shoulder. I turn around and see that it was Cody.

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