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     Wanda woke up the next day, noticing a note on the bedside table. The note says:

Hi! I went out to buy stuffs. You can use my clothes if you wanna change. Just get anything you're comfortable with in the closet. Also, there are boxes of cereals in the cupboards if you're hungry. The milk's in the fridge. There are also coffee grounds, chocolate powder, and a variety of teas. Feel free to do anything in there. There are books in my room. There's also a greenhouse at the back of the cabin. I'll be back before lunch.


     Who is this? Who wrote this? Where am I? I looked around the room and saw the closet this person was talking about. And also the bookshelf. Well, that's a lot of books. I stood up and changed to the clothes I was wearing before shifting to the Scarlet Witch.

 I stood up and changed to the clothes I was wearing before shifting to the Scarlet Witch

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     I went to the kitchen and prepared a cup of tea. She's got some good tea, not gonna lie. While heating up water, I walked around looking for clues of who might be the person living here. Nothing. No clue. At. All.

     The kettle whistled, telling me that the water's ready. I poured some on my cup, smelling the aroma of earl grey tea. Perfect to start the day.


     Wanda was checking out the house when she heard the sound of a vehicle stop outside the house. She quickly hid herself into the dark to see who the owner of the house might be. If they could be trusted or not. She engulfed the person with her powers the moment she entered the house.

     "Good morning to you too" Y/N didn't even try to struggle to escape the force field she was wrapped in with. It was tight enough for her to loose hold of the paper bags she was holding, but loose enough for her to breathe properly.

     Wanda released her hold on Y/N when she realized who the girl was. "Y/N?" Wanda asked, walking out of the dark. Y/N picked up the paper bags on the floor and gave it Wanda with a smile. "I bought you clothes. Wait, I don't remember having those clothes you're wearing right now." "O-oh, this is what I was wearing before I shifted to the Witch." Y/N put her hands o her hips after putting the bags on the couch and said, "We all do horrible things, Wanda."

     Y/N went out again to get the things she bought. Well they're more on groceries and first aid resources, and of course, their lunch. "I bought ice cream. I hope you're okay with caramel toffee?" Y/N showed two points of caramel toffee ice cream before putting them into the freezer. "I'm surprised you didn't get mint chip. And yeah, I'm completely fine with that flavor." "Y/N just smiled at Wanda and then, silence enveloped the two. "Do you need help?" Wanda asked, trying to break the silence. "Nope, just rest please. You're pretty beat up. I'll help you put your clothes in the closet after I finish here since it's still pretty early for lunch." Y/N smiled at Wanda, continuing what she's doing while Wanda just kept watching her.

     "How's Natasha by the way?" Y/N asked, obviously not aware of what happened to the world after leaving the Avengers. After failing to receive an answer, she looked at Wanda who has a sad look on her face. "Is something wrong? Are you okay?" Y/N walked up to Wanda to check on her. Wanda shook her head then said, "You really don't have any idea about what happened, do you?" This earned a really confused look from Y/N. "What do you mean?" "Nat is dead. And so is Stark." "What?" Y/N's eyes started to get teary after hearing what Wanda said. "You're joking... right?" Wanda started to fidget with her rings, refusing to look at Y/N. "Wha– How?" "They sacrificed themselves to bring back those who were dusted and defeat Thanos." Y/N sat on the couch, her hands brushed her face a bit aggressively.

     "That was a very Romanoff and Stark thing to do." Y/N said, tears now started to fall to her cheeks. Wanda just let Y/N cry since she doesn't know how to calm her down. After a few minutes, Wanda decided to hold Y/N's hands , but immediately let go because of how hot it is. "Y/N, y-your'e..." Y/N looked at Wanda noticing that her emotions are affecting her body temperature. Wanda still tried reaching out to Y/N but Y/N quickly stood up, afraid that she might hurt Wanda. "No. Don't touch me. Please." Y/N then went to her room, leaving a worried Wanda on the couch.

     Y/N got out of her room in her catsuit, mask in hand. "Y/N" Wanda walked to Y/N, grabbing her left hand hoping to stop her from whatever she's planning. "I'll be out for a bit. Probably a week," Y/N said without looking at Wanda, tears still trying to escape her eyes. "Y/N, please." Y/N didn't answered. Right at that moment, all she's thinking about is going on a mission in Hope's that it'll take her mind off Natasha and Tony. Killing. That's what she's doing whenever her mind would start racing. "Y/N, please don't leave." These words snapped Y/N out of her thoughts, turning her head to look at the worried Wanda.

     A tear rolled down Y/N's cheek, Wanda wiping it. "Right. I'm sorry." Was what Y/N managed to say as her heart and mind started to calm down. Wanda guide her to the couch, taking the mask from Y/N's hand and putting it on the coffee table. Wanda then took a glass of water and gave it to Y/N, before sitting down beside her. "Your mind must be racing right now. I can't hear or feel it though." "It's calmed down now, thanks to you." Wanda smiled. "And... the reason you can't feel or hear my mind is because I'm not letting you to. I'm not letting any telepath get into my mind." Wanda nodded in understanding.

     Wanda managed to calm Y/N down as they caught up with each other. Talking about the things that they did but none of them judged each other. They stayed on the couch just talking about random things until it's time for lunch. Y/N changed to a more comfortable outfit before preparing lunch for both of them. She just cheated up the pasta she bought though. After eating, she helped Wanda with her clothes, just as she promised.

    Then, the night came. "I'll sleep on the couch. This room is yours." Y/N took out spare pillows and blankets for her to use. "But, this is your house." "It's fine. I usually sleep on the couch anyway. Don't worry. Good night, buddy." "Yeah. Good night, Y/N." After exchanging good nights, Y/N went out and prepared her makeshift bed on the couch, reminiscing what happened through the day.

"I'm glad you're back, Wanda."

You're Not Alone (Wanda Maximoff x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now