chapter 13

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Bea's pov

"have you seen jhoana?" i asked thirdy as we walk together.

"yes, i think she went to our room" he informed me.

i just nodded at his answer. we are on our way to eat breakfast, we're just trailing behind the others sibce they're the one who knows where the buffet is. the air is cold but the sun is bright today, just the perfect weather for me.

we discussed about activities we can do today along eating our breakfast. its still early in the morning but my friends here are already the loudest people here inside.

their laughs and voices echoed in the whole room while im just silently eating. i frowned upon biting my bacon.

"ouch" i glared at ate celine who threw used tissue paper to my face.

"ang grumpy mo today beibei" she complained and mocked my face.

"syempre wala nanaman ang jhowjhow nya dito" deanna teased me while clinging into her girlfriend, carly.

"grabe naman kayo sa akin mang asar" i acted offended by all their teases.

"hindi ba pwedeng pagod lang? from last night?"
i excused

they didn't take it. ako nanaman ang napagdiskitahan nilang asarin. it was all on me.

i really have to get new friends

we all finished our breakfast over a few more talks. after that, we all then decided to go to our floors as we still have to get ready for later.

i opened the door and had a glimpse of jhoana fiddling with her phone. she was leaning on the bed with the support of headboard at her back.

"hey i didn't see you earlier. where were you?" i curiously asked.

"i just talked with marci for awhile"

i nodded to keep it all cool. i sat at the edge of the bed to dig on some of my clothes.

though i was hesitating to ask her the question, i asked her anyways.

"how'd it go?"

i heard her put down her phone.

"surprisingly it went well" she happily said.

i half smiled because i was still glad. atleast marci still has something left for jhoana.

"what polo do you think would suit me for later?"

i turned around and delightly showed her two of my favorite tops. it took her a few moments before actually picking.

"i think this will fit you more"

she pointed at my sunflower but minimalist polo. i didn't waste any second and already fixed myself inside the bathroom.

as i was just about to twist the doorknob when deanna suddenly sent me a text.

From Deanns:

be down at 20 minutes. we still have to find someone to rent.

i shutted my phone and walked my way to the bed. i put all my dirty clothes in my extra plastic and finally sat at the bed.

i poked jhoana's shoulder to get her attention. she tilted her head and raised her brows.

"mag ready ka na" i cringed in my inner self when i realized how i sounded.

thankfully, jhoana didn't notice it.

"for what?" her forehead creased more.

"uhm ano daw. mag bebeach daw tayo later kaya mag ready ka na" i was still feeling tense in my body but i don't know why.

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