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I'll be your shield.
I'll protect you from the bad things.
From the yelling, the crying pleas, the anger happening outside the door.
From the broken hearts that long to be fixed.
From the tears and unhappy years.
I'll be your shield.

I'll be your shield.
Today, tomorrow, every day.
Every day until there is nothing more to protect you from.
I'll protect you.

I will protect you.
It doesn't matter the cost.
I can take the broken hearts and hateful words.
I can take the yelling and bad thoughts.
I can take it.
I can take it and I will protect you.

I'll be your shield.
For as long as you need me.
For as long as you don't need me.
For as long as you want me.
For as long as you never want me.
I'll be your shield.

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