cheoooeter 2 (rnahc does em)

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After arriving in the sex dungeon Ranchs strips her clothes off, Iris and Em soon doing the same. Em starts kissing Rnahcs fried chicken breasts and Ranchs moans softly. After that Em reaches sown and starts to tease Ranch while making out and Ranch is breathing heavily while iris is in the corner waiting patiently. Ranch proceeds to punch Ems hands off and starts to suck on ems toes, Em chuckles a bit but starts moaning. Ranch rubs Ems toenails. Em stops paying attention to Ranch so Ranch puts her clothes back on and walks out the room crying, Em says feeling bad for Ranch, "No baby cum back!" Ranch says okay and rips her clothes off and goes to the dresser where she picks up a strap on dildo. Ranch walks over to Em while ribbiting sexily and starts pooping Em. Em moans and starts to pleasure her own clitoris until Ranch gets up and goes to the bathroom where she picks up the toilet, walks back sexily to the bed and shoves the toilet into Ems vaginga. Right after she puts the toilet into ems vgaina she gets a dm from Charlie so she stops, Em starts eating mac and cheese while patiently waiting with a toilet inside of her. Ranch announces that Charlie asked why she sent feet pics to Em, Ranch says calmy, "Okay lets continue." Ranchs walks over to the bed and starts riding Em's feet, Em starts to thrust her feet in Ranch really hard. Ranchs then cums all over Ems feet and then proceeds to punch ems nose and break it, she then slurps up the hard white boens as Em moans. Em then cuts off Ranch's nipple and eats it, ranch then moans. Ranch  proceeds to get a chainsaw and saw off Ems head and eats the eyeballs and sucks the juice out of them, then she eats Em's toenails, after she eats her toenails she takes the toilet out of Em.

             What Em looks like after toilet is taken out:

Em then cums one last time and says, "Bb I cant last any longer

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Em then cums one last time and says, "Bb I cant last any longer." then proceeds to die. After Em dies Ranch eats the corpse.

Based on true events.

Cast, Ranch, Em

Camerapeople: Sprite, Iris

Ranch and Iris do the do chapter 3.

ranch x iris x emWhere stories live. Discover now