Chapter 3: The Bunker

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The next morning, the sun shone its warm beams of light through the window of their shared bedroom, washing the rustic room in pure bliss. Steve stirred under the quilt, reaching for Natasha, and finding her spot empty once again. Yet no noises were emerging from the bathroom across the landing. As he sat up properly, his eyes adjusting to the brightness and gratefully met Natasha's figure as she walked back into the room, and around the bed towards her side. The squashy mattress sunk under her weight, and Steve's too as he pulled her towards him. He wasn't completely sure how she was feeling about everything since their conversation the previous night. She didn't try to squirm out of his gentle grasp, further making him think. "How're you feeling this morning?" He found himself asking, although he already knew the answer to his question.

"Still feeling shit, but a bit better than yesterday." She half grumbled into his chest. The sweet sound of birdsong was drifting though the shut window, dancing along her ears.

"Language." Steve muttered, shaking his head and sighing.

"You didn't seem to care last night." Nat scrunched up her face, playing with one of the zippers on Yelena's surplus. The sudden reverting on Steve's behalf was confusing to say the least. The new information that they had gathered on their unborn child was still a fresh fracture in their plan for survival, and now he was telling her to watch her mouth?

"That's because yesterday was...a surprise, to put it gently. And a terrifying one at that. However, now we've had some time to process it, maybe we can keep the language to a minimum?" Steve almost begged, which made her roll her eyes. Impulsively, Natasha gave him a swift peck on the cheek, much to her surprise as well as Steve's, although she applied her smirking poker face like a mask to prove that it was just an innocent little thing to do.

Rolling off the bed and turning to face the doorway, her hands resting in the back pockets of her black jeans that she had been wearing since yesterday, she suddenly realised that it may have seemed innocent from any other girl but her. The infamous Black Widow. Known for captivating a person, ensnaring them in her seemingly-romantic traps, before executing them. Did he think that? That she was only using him for her benefits? She prayed to God that he didn't think that way about her. Because although that kiss was as innocent as a new-born babe, something had sparked inside of her as soon as her luscious lips met his morning stubble.

"Have we, uh, have we got everything packed?" She changed the subject, avoiding looking in her teammate's direction. The springs inside the mattress squeaked in relief as Steve stood up from the bed, walking the few steps across the room to where she stood. Nat's heart pounded, and her nerves made her stomach roll dangerously with nausea. She swallowed it back down, along with the bile that had begun to rise up her throat.

"Yeah, all that was left was what we bought yesterday, and I packed those in the rucksack." Shivers spider-walked down her neck as Steve's warm breath created a mist over it.

"And the burner phone?" She shifted on her feet, her cheeks growing redder with each passing second.

"Also in the rucksack. Natasha, are you ok?" The concern in his voice made the nausea worsen in her gut, and her vision began to sway.

"And the test?" She sidestepped, becoming uncharacteristically flustered. What was going on with her? No one ever made her this nervous. Ever, at least not in this way. Steve rubbed his face with his worn and calloused hand.

"On the table. I'll grab it." He sighed, turning away and trudging over, picking up the thin stick of soiled plastic from the wooden surface. As he returned to her, Natasha's fingers caressed her tender abdomen. She knew the answer to his question from last night, about what she was going to do about the new life inside of her. Even though she never thought she'd ever have to make it. She couldn't make any other, not when this choice had been stripped from her being all those years ago. It would've been like she was siding with them, the real monsters. Those who had taken away her childhood, taken away her choices.

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