Chapter 1: Moving to Forks

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Alexandria's POV:
I'm glad i'm no longer living with Phil and Renee. They took me away from Charlie because they didn't think it was suitable for me to live with him by myself. I'm glad that Bella thought it was a good idea to move back with Charlie. She loves Renee and she doesn't mind Phill but i haven't ever really gotten along with them. I've known Charlie since i can remember and he isn't my dad and i know that i love my dad so dearly and no once can ever replace him but i love Charlie like he is my dad.

Bella is outside saying goodbye to her mom and Phil while i'm getting the present that i got for Charlie while i was at the store. I have my dads credit card because he didn't just leave me with nothing. He left me in the hands of a loving godfather and an amazing sister. I was able to call him every month and we still caught up but i haven't heard from him in a few years. I'm worried about him but he is the big hybrid that everyone's scarred of so i have no reason to worry about. But he's still my dad.

"Lex come on Phil is ready to drive us to the airport and Mom wants to say goodbye to you also you might need to explain the whole phone conversation thing because you can explain that better then i can." Bella said while leaning on the doorway. She looked around the room and sighed. Bella was always better with Renee then she was with Charlie but she didn't mind going to Forks with me. "I'm really gonna miss this place Lex. I know i said i don't mind leaving but i'm gonna miss the heat and the sun and school. Oh god were gonna be the new kids at the school." Bella was never one for attention. She came up to me and we sat on the empty bed and i rested my head on her shoulder.

"I know you close with her Bells and im really sorry that you have to come with me but maybe we will enjoy this. It's a new start and we get to see Charlie. I can't wait. Plus there's always more time to get in a relationship, find new friends and most importantly we get to see jake again." I seen her eyes light up a bit at the thought of a relationship and then she blushed. She giggled and pushed me off of the bed. We both burst into laughter and it was peaceful. Phil called us to come down and to the car so that we did.


"Right come on Bells we've got a plane to catch and I'm also going to take the window seat cause i wanna see the outside while we're flying over. Also put your headphones on because i'm probably gonna be going to sleep." I skipped away leaving my luggage on the outside of the plane for the people to put it on.

We finally arrived at the other airport and the plane landed. Me and Bella got off the plane and went through all the airport security and whatnot then we went to go and get our luggage so we could go and see Charlie. My car had already been shipped there and should hopefully already be at the house so it's ready for me to drive to school however if it's not then i'm not going to school because showing up in a car that's not mine is extremely embarrassing.

I looked through the crowds of people holding out names on cardboard signs trying to look for mine and Bellas name on the sign. After a while of searching and dodging people as they flew passed me i saw him. Scruffy hair, police uniform ( clearly he just came off his shift so he can come and collect me and bella) , he's finally grown out a beard and he's kept it clean, he has light eyes bags obviously not getting enough sleep and he does look really exhausted. I ran up to him and jumped into his arms for a hug. I heard his chuckle as he pulled me in for a tight hug. " I missed you so much pops."

"I missed you too alex. I'm glad you decided to come back. Also where's Bells you didn't leave her in Florida did you" He chuckled out while he looked around for Bella. I giggled and shook my head as Bella walked towards us with her on plane bag. "Come on pops we've got bags to collect and Bells would it kill you to walk a little bit faster." I complained at Bella for walking slow and grabbed her hand and dragged her towards where the luggage was meant to be for pick up.

Life and Death (J.Whitlock)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt