Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

No one said anything as we walked into class. I mean literal silence. It's eerie. I sat in the back and Cynthia and Peter took the seats next to me. I was surprise when Mark sat on Peter's other side until I remember that Mark is his best friend. He seemed tenser though, and so was Cynthia. It may be me, I may be too close, but it felt like she was making a point of never actually looking at Mark. Mark's eyes on the other hand seemed to pass over to where Cynthia sat too many times to just be casual.

Peter was oblivious of course. I may be surrounded, or what passes for surrounded with me, by people but I was still observing in the shadows. The way Cynthia's hand white knuckled her pencil but she wasn't taking notes.

I won't pry. It's not my business. But when the bell rung Cynthia pulled me out of class. I looked over my shoulder at Peter who'd grabbed my bag because Cynthia hadn't given me time. He looked upset. 'I'll see you in class,' I told him.

His frown deepened but Cynthia pulled me out of view. People moved out of her way almost on instinct and then stared at me. I felt like my hood wasn't big enough and people could see through the fabric. Cynthia pulled me into the bathroom and scared a couple of freshmen girls out of it. She slid down against the wall and covered her face with her hands.

I knelled down. "Are you okay?" Stupid question Violet. Does she look okay? I rubbed her shoulder unsure of how to proceed.

"I'm okay," she said dropping her hands. "Sorry I pulled you away from Peter."

"Don't worry about it," I said. "I'll deal with him later. He needs to get over his separation anxiety anyways. I'm more concerned on if you're okay."

She grimaced. "I don't really like that class." I gave her a look. Like I buy that. "My mate's in that class and I sort of hate being around him."

"Don't you sort of hate being around most people?" I asked. She rolled her eyes and pushed my shoulder lightly. I grinned and pulled her up. "Look Cynthia, whomever your mate is, he's an idiot. Don't let him control your life. You've always been yourself, I've always like that about you at least. Don't let him change you."

She look at me in slight awe. "You know I've wondered what you're thinking about when you're watching everyone. You're hiding a big brain beneath that hood."

"Or maybe the hoodie is the source of all my secret intelligence," I said and rolled her eyes. We both fell silent though when the door opened and Lana walked in flanked by two of her friends, Toni and Heidi.

"Well, well, well," Lana said to her friends way too loudly. "Look, it's the Runaway Luna." I blinked in surprise while Cynthia got a look of anger. Runaway Luna? Is that what people are calling me? "It's like she keeps coming back for the attention to run away again for more."

"I wouldn't run away from someone that hot," Toni joined in and I tried to push down the flash of my own anger.

"Think of it this way Toni," Heidi said. "When she runs away again Peter will be all alone and just ripe for the taking."

I growled lowly and the girls seemed shocked. No one is ever used to hearing me say anything, let alone growling. Cynthia looked proud. I glared at the girls and Lana took a step back. "Touch Peter," I growled at them, "and you will get to see what happens when you piss off someone that you nothing about. And trust me, you won't like it."

I stalked out of the bathroom while Cynthia followed me with a smug smile. "That was badass!" she laughed while I stormed to class still majorly pissed.

Peter was waiting for me at the door, he wasn't surprised to see me angry, he probably felt it through the bond but he did seem confused. "What happened?" he asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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