The Meeting of the Hook Family

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Audrey's P.O.V

As the car smoothly drives down the road I get further lost in my thoughts. Just before I drowned everything out and fall asleep, I'm pulled back by the wonderful Scottish voice of my love Harry Hook.

"Audrey, are you sure you want to do this?"
I look at him and smile.
"Yes I'm sure. And it's ok if your nervous"
Harry let's our a nervous chuckle
"I'm not nervous"
I let out a small laugh and take his hand. I'm glad me and Harry can be seen in public together, but I think it's made him uneasy about his mean reputation.
I lean against him, but suddenly the car stops.
With a sigh Harry says "We're here."

It's been about two month's since my almost arranged marriage, where I confessed to everyone that I loved Harry. Me and him couldn't be happier, but I knew he had been dreading this day since I agreed to go.

We step out of the car and are greeted by a large blue house. As we walk through the small white Picket gate I see a rope made of fabric, strung with knots, protruding from one of the windows. It's CJ's room if I don't miss my guess. And the rope was used for sneaking out.
I come up on the porch and Harry knocks on the door with his hook. We both waited in sicken each and heard shuffling coming from inside, then something falling. Finally the door opens and a tall woman with blond hair and green eyes stares at us.

"Harry" she says quietly, before he could move she pulls him into a hug. He reluctantly hugs her back and says,
"Hi mom" the woman releases him and says.

"Hi, but just so you know I'm still mad at you. You didn't bother to call, or come visit once the barrier came down! I mean I didn't expect you to come searching for me, but come on!"
Harry's mom walks away from the door and Harry turns to me,
"Well, you've met my mom"

"I can see that." I say. As he starts to walk inside, I stop him.
"Harry did the whole thing with me, stop you from seeing your family?"
He shakes his head
"It's complicated, but long story short. I'm not a great son, and my mom is very...protective of her family."
I nod and we head inside closing the door behind us.
I'm slightly surprised by the interior, it's less, villainy then I expected, of course I wouldn't mind what it looked like even if it was, but this house was nice it had white walls with black and pale blue decorations along with some wooden ones. It was nice.

I hear a creak come from the stairs and see someone very familiar coming down. She has long blond hair that's been straightened and has small braids throughout. It's none other the CJ Hook.
"Oh, great your here." she says to Harry,
"And you brought, her" CJ descends the last step. She is significantly shorter then Harry but is exactly my height.

"I'm CJ Hook, the youngest and best of the Hook siblings-and I feel like we've met before."
She says looking at me with a skeptical face.
"The neon lights ball."
I say remembering a few years ago.

"Ohhhh, your Audrey, right! Freddie told me all about what you did with stealing the scepter and the Crown! I mean I knew something like that would happen eventually, but from an AK-"

"CJ!" Harry growled, CJ looked at him and backed off walking out of the foyer.
"I'll be right back" says Harry following where his younger sister went.
I am left alone, and I don't really know what to do. I look around and see that above a table is a mirror, and next to it is a picture of the Hook family. It's when they were very young, Harriet looked to be about 5, and Harry was just a baby. I smile a little bit at how adorable it is.
What happened to your family Harry? I think, my thoughts are interrupted when Harry's mother comes back.
"I'm sorry about earlier, it's just..."


"Yeah," she sticks out her hand, I shake it.

"Emma Swan Jones, mother of the Hook children, as you might have guessed"

"Audrey Rose"

"You were the-"

"Yes! That was me, but I'm trying not to be evil"
Emma laughs
"It's ok, I know exactly how you feel."
Harry comes back with a look on his face as if he got in a fight with CJ, but he won.
"I'll show you to your room."
Me and Harry follow Emma up stairs to their spare room. It had two windows that looked out over the street and a wooden dresser that had gold designs painted on the side. The room had one small closet and a queen sized bed with a dark blue comforter and gray pillows.

Me and him were staying at his parents house because his mom wanted to meet me, and I convinced him to go because he hasn't seen his parents in like 4 years. He wasn't thrilled with the idea.
As soon as Emma closed the door and left us to our own devices Harry pulled me into a kiss. We broke apart after what felt like an eternity, a wonderful eternity. I bring my hand up to his cheek,
"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, it's just, seeing my family is, hard and I don't like getting you involved."
I give a small smirk.
"Harry, if I didn't want to come I wouldn't have agreed to go, you know that."

"Yeah" he kisses me again, but before we could go on we hear the front door shut downstairs. Along with someone saying "Emma I'm back!" I can feel Harry tense up a little bit,
"Is that..."
He nods without me having to say anything. Without a word be both slowly move towards the door and walk down the stairs.
Captain Hook stands at the bottom.
He doesn't look how I expected him to, he looks, nicer. He was standing by the door talking to Emma, but as me and Harry come down he looks at us.
"Harry" he says in an accent similar to Harry's but not quite. Harry doesn't respond, instead he looks at me.
"You must be Audrey" he sticks out his hand and I shake it,
"Killian Jones, or as everyone else calls me, Captain Hook"

"Nice to meet you" I say quietly, as soon as the words leave my mouth, the front door opens yet again. This time a very tall girl with long black hair steps in. She has a pirate hat on and is wearing a semi tattered long red coat. She has a piercing above and below her lip and her face looks identical to Emma's. Killian looks behind him and smiles, embracing his daughter.
"Harriet! welcome back."
Harry storms off and knowing him, I don't follow.
Harry's P.O.V

I sit alone on the back porch of my family's house, hoping to be left alone. I knew as soon as my older sister arrived, that my father would turn his attention to her. I look up to him but all he does is ignore me, with Audrey it's the opposite, her mother-Sleeping Beauty-practically smothers her, and it's not always with affection. I think that's something we've bonded over, maybe.

I hear the back door open. A dark red and black boot appears next to me.
"What do you want Harriet?" She sits down

"To talk"

"I don't"

"I don't care that you don't want to, I'm going to anyway....So is the girl who I've never seen before your girlfriend? What I don't get is why you chose an AK, I always thought you'd end up with Ursula's kid."
I don't respond in futile hopes that she stops talking.
"Come on, what's her name?" Harriet begins listing names but I stop her.
"Harriet! Why do you do this? I don't want to talk to you, I don't care if your trying to help because dad will always like you better!"
I didn't mean to say that last part, and Harriet looks slightly hurt by my words, that quickly goes away and she regains her calm demeanor.

"Our parents love us equally, even if they have difficulty showing it. Also being dad's protege is not as fun as you think, there's constant pressure, why do you think I ran away to Dragon Hall."
Harriet doesn't say much and she gets up to leave, but as she goes she says,
"They're proud of you little brother. Especially mom, and it might help that you brought someone like Audrey Rose home."
Leaving it at that Harriet walks through the door. Leaving me in my wanted alone time.

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