Chapter Twelve: "Sick To My Stomach?"

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"I don't feel so good..."
Michael's Mansion
Los Angeles, CA
Tues. 4 a.m.
Vanessa's POV

  Yesterday was fun at Michael's childhood home I love his mom, and his family. I'm glad we finally got to establish an meeting.  I was laying in bed I reached over to the nightstand to find my phone to see what time it was I usually don't wake up in the middle of the night this night was different. My phone's lockscreen read: '4:00 a.m.'  
I laid there some more I felt this strong set of nausea I kicked off the sheets and covers off of my body I accidently threw them on top of Michael surprisingly he didn't wake up.

   I clenched my stomach lifted up the toilet seat I was on my knees holding on to the sides of the toilet bowl rim I hovered over then all at once throw up hit me it came out like an valcano explosion.  Was it something I ate yesterday? I remember feeling fine when we left why is this all happening at once?.  The nausea eased up finally I flushed my throw up I just sat there for a min before deciding whether I should go back laying down or not.  My mind was racing with all these possiblities on why I just had an volcanic attack of throw up.  I can't be pregnant...Can I?.
I was still sitting in front of the toilet my heart pounding I had a small onset of sweat produce. It's too early for me to be pregnant.

   I heard Michael russle sounded like realized I had been gone for a bit.  I heard his footsteps get closer to the bathroom he flipped on the lights from the door frame I could see he was concerned when he found me where I was. I looked up at him with an scared expression.

   "Baby, what's wrong?." Michael asked as he helped me up from the floor. I cleared my throat.

   "I-I uh...I got a really bad stomach cramp it came out of no where. I didn't even feel bad when we came home from your mom's. It must be something I ate last night." I said still feeling scared. Michael nodded and helped me back into bed. Once I laid down Michael wrapped one of his arms around me I felt instantly relieved I closed my eyes.

   I felt a wave of sleepiness drape itself over me, and I fell back asleep.

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