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As of June 7th, 2022

I have unpublished this story to work on the plot line and writing. I hope to get it back up and rewritten here within the next few weeks slowly and not all at once. I want to continue with this story, as Fred is one of my favorites (and it was my first fanfic/shifting experience) so I have an attachment to it. So please bear with me as I try and go back to change things up. I hope you continue to keep this in your libraries and Reading lists for it will be back up this month, bit by bit. 

Much love and take care of yourselves!

Abby M 


As of July 7th, 2022

I am slowly beginning to reupload my Fred Wesley X Reader. It may only be updated twice a month on Thursdays but at least once a month. I encourage all old readers to reread this as some plot points have changed. 

All We Need is Love (Fred Weasley X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now