part three

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When I got home, Max wasn't. I stormed over to Billy and shoved him hard, "where is she Billy?"

"Where is who?" He yelled in my face, he was obviously mad I had just shoved him.

"Don't act stupid, Max. Where is she, I swear if you made her skate home." I pointed my finger into his face and he hit it down. He walked me into the wall, and now I wish I hadn't said anything.

"You're gonna wish you hadn't done that." He spit in my face. I kneed him in the nuts and made a run for it to the car. He never takes his keys out of the ignition so it was easy.

I hoped in and drove to the school, if she was skating home i'd see her on the way.

When I got there Max and her friends were standing in a field surrounding something. I got out and ran to them, "Max!" I hollered. She turned around with a nervous look on her face.

There was an older lady saying "Will" over and over trying to wake him. I guessed it was his mom. The boy was standing there frozen, it was like he couldn't hear anything we were saying. Everyone around I assumed were his friends, Max's new ones.

Will's mom kept talking to him and I stood there not knowing what to do. Until finally he gasped and his eyes opened.

We all walked through the school let them grab their things and leave. I watched as Will's mom, Joyce, took him out. Max told me all their names while we were in there.

"Okay, that totally freaked me out." Max said, everyone was silent and didn't respond. "Did that not freak you guys out?"

"Two episodes in two days." Lucas said.

Mike then spoke up, "it's getting worse."

"You think it's True Sight?" Lucas asked.

"What's true sight?" Max asked them.

"It's nothing." Lucas stammered.

"So," I had to break the silence and the awkwardness. "Max, these kids Billy almost hit?"

"Okay, who the hell is this?" Mike asked.

"Billy's twin sister, my sister." I waved and then tucked hair behind my ears.

"Um, Max." She looked up at me. "Let's hope our parents are home, cause I took Billy's car." She stared at me with wide eyes. "Hey, is your sister Nancy?" I asked Mike.

He rolled his eyes. "Yep. We need to go." He walked down the stairs and to his bike. Lucas and Dustin waved and told Max later. I leaned over to Max.

"Wow, isn't Mike a little shit."


When I woke up, I had so many questions about what had happened with that kid, Will. The image of him in that field like something was inside of him made me shiver. Max told me on the way home everything the boys had been doing. Being top secret and weird. I wanted to talk to someone, anyone and Steve was the first I thought of.

When the time came I knew I could ask if I went to his gym period. His coach stood signing a paper in an empty gym.

"Excuse me." The man looked over to me smiling.

"Can I help you?"

"Where is everyone? I'm looking for Steve Harrington."

"He's in the locker room, washing up. You can wait for him in the hall if you'd like. I'll let him know you're here." I nodded thanking him and went to the hall.

wonder - steve harrington Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang