The wave arc part 4

Start from the beginning


Zabuza was tired of fighting kakashi and kurenai both have teamed up on Zabuza and were now winning due to there teamwork been flawless but Zabuza wasn't too much beaten by both of them he had only scratches and one deep cut on his back by kurenai when he once again had misjudged the genjustu mistress of konaha and had nearly died because of it , he only survived due to Raiga hitting him with one of his sword (from the flat side of it)
And Zabuza has snapped out of it at the last possible moment and had tried to run away but has gotten the kunai inbeded in his back .

Raiga on the other hand was holding his own against kushina and Mikoto and had some scorched body parts

Haku on the other hand was now struggling against both jinchuriki and would have been knocked out of the mirror by the male jinchuriki after she made a pin chusion of the uchiha boy who was so cocky and thought he can take everyone after he has awaken his sharingan and had tried to take haku all by himself but he learned it the hard way out when Haku started use all of her mirrors and sending barrage after barrage of senbon needles after the Uchiha and had nearly killed him if not for her gentle heart and showing mercy to the Uchiha

After she had deelt with uchiha his friend jinchuriki has not taken the news very well and gone in a fit of rage and had activated kyubi chakra 1 tail and had gained incredible speed and power but he wasn't able to hit her because of her speed being greater than his .

Hinata , yakumo , sakura were gaurding the bridge builder and mito and satsuki were taking care of some no name missing nins of chunin rank and ofcourse they were losing until satsuki awaken her sharingan and mito had activated her chakra chains and had killed many of the missing nins

Hinata struck another one missing nin who coming for Tazuna ,after out flanked mito and same yakumo was doing with her genjustu and knocked out another one of the missing nins

Sakura on the other hand just have a kunai in the hand and was shaking due to all of the fighting near her , she never really did all much training due to her fangirl state of mind and was told by her mother to let others do her flight and not to intervine if her teammates were not winning it and run for her life

"Let the male or the barbaric females do all the fighting and if they were winning intervine in the last possible moment and take all the credit of defeating the enemy " were the words sakura 's mother told her and for the longest term she did just that

30 minutes later -------------------

Zabuza was pinned by kakashi 's summoning dogs and kurenai after she had him under her nightmare genjustu .

Raiga too had some sliced limbs and broken bones and was pinned by kushina's chakra chain

Haku was running out of chakra and was on the the verge of fainting due to the long battle.

All the other missing nins were either dead or knocked out by team 12

Unknown to them gato has came there and was observing all of them and was going to announce his presence when Zabuza let out a mighty battle cry and had his eyes red with anger on kurenai after breaking the genjustu of hers ,
He quickly have thrown ever summoning dogs and had dodged kakashi 's raikiri and gave spinning kick to kakashi on his face and had broken several of kakashi's tooths and may be broken his jaw in process , then Zabuza looked ovee kurenai with a death glare making her take a step back in fear and sweat rolling down her neck

" So you can actually do you job huh demon of the mist " mocked Gato from a distance and a higher ground

"What are you doing here" Gato asked Zabuza in a deathly dangerous voice and glared gato with his red eyes showing anger clear in them

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