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English » » Chapter 61: (some mechs)God-level Stone Gambler Chapter 61: (some mechs)Settings

The assassin frowned slightly and quickly avoided Bai Jing's backhand knife. The power device under her feet provided her with the ability to fly at high speed. She turned around and shot dozens of arrows!

The commentator Muzi immediately said excitedly, "I avoided it!

The assassin perfectly avoided Alpha's attack by virtue of his extreme speed, and the micro-launcher fired - unexpectedly... did not hit the target? !"

Accompanied by the exclamation of the commentator, the dark blue mecha avoided the arrows shot from a large area with an S-shaped arc step and teleportation, turned 180 degrees in midair, and was as agile as an assassin!

Seeing this scene, Muzi suddenly widened his eyes and said loudly, "Oh my God, it's an S-shaped arc step! And teleportation!


This is an A-level difficulty move, and Alpha is so perfectly connected! "

The laser beam on Bai Jing's shoulder turned on, and the dazzling light struck, causing the assassin to lose his mind for a moment.

All the audience below the stage also hurriedly covered their eyes with their arms.

No one knows what happened on the field.

When they opened it again, the assassin's left arm was burned with a large hole by the laser rays, and she, who was connected to the mecha's perception, was also affected by pain.

The speed like a streamer before has dropped so that people can clearly see her figure.

On the dark blue mecha standing opposite the assassin, there were also more than a dozen flying arrows.

"What just happened?"

"Oh my God, the assassin was injured!"

"I have to say, this Alpha is a bit powerful."

"What about the explanation—"

Muzi immediately recovered from the battle just now, sprayed his eyes with the spray on the side, and played back the video just now.

It wasn't until it slowed down five times that people could barely see.

At the moment when two red laser rays shot out, the assassin snapped back to his senses——

Although the reaction was extremely fast and sideways dodged, the laser beam still rubbed her chest and penetrated her left shoulder!

However, she is not a vegetarian. She gritted her teeth and endured the pain. She quickly operated her hands on the operating table. All the launchers on her chest, knees, and arms were activated at the same time, and hundreds of arrows were shot 'whoosh'!

This time the assassin is obviously serious, you must know that the number of arrows in this launcher is limited!

Dense arrows hit from all directions, and those with locators were able to change the course in the middle.

Bai Jing used various flips, sideways, and teleports to flexibly dodge most of them. However, the assassin's speed reached the limit, and the timing of firing the launcher was just right. pierce.

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