just act normal \\ two

16 1 9

December 18, 2018

"C'mon Lex, you can do this. Just act normal. Be a normal human being for once in your life," I told myself in the mirror, washing my hands.

Billie is waiting outside the bathroom for me.

Shit. I have to prepare what I'm gonna say.

My first plan was to talk about her name, so I might just stick with that. Okay. I'll just do that.

Deep breaths, Alex, deep breaths.

I hope I don't look nervous when I walk out. What if I fall? I think I might jump off of a cliff if I do.

I met this girl two minutes ago. How am I already overthinking?

Dude. She's so hot. So unbelievably out of my league it's hilarious.

She probably thinks I'm shitting since I've been talking to myself for like 5 hours.

Hey brain, would you just shut up for two seconds? I need to eventually leave this bathroom.

I counted myself down.

"3, 2, 1," I whispered to myself, opening the door and seeing Billie sitting on a black bench.

"Whoever's playing the music in here has really good taste," Billie smirked at me, like she could tell I was the one playing the music. She probably heard Reagan yelling about it.

I realized that "Gone Away" by H.E.R was playing. I'm in love with this song.

"That would be me," I told her, awkwardly laughing.

She pointed next to her on the bench, motioning me to sit next to her.

Fuck shit balls. That's a small ass bench. Our knees are gonna be touching since she's manspreading. She's so hot bro. I think I've said that 20 times.

I sat down. Yep. Knees definitely touching. Neither of us were moving, either.

"One of my songs played while you were shitting," Billie told me.

"First of all, I was not shitting. Seco-"

"Bullshit. No way you weren't shitting. You were in there for like 5 hours," Billie interrupted.

"Anyway, continue," She told me.

"We're going back to that after this, because I was not shitting. But, what I was going to ask before you so rudely interrupted me was the thing you said about "your song","

"Shit, you don't know who I am?" She asked, looking genuinely shocked.

"Well, based on what you just said about "your songs" I'm assuming I should know you because of those?"

"We've got Sherlock Holmes over here, bitches!" Billie cupped her hands over her mouth and yelled out.

Now all of my friends are looking at me. Great.

"But yeah, I thought you would know who I am because one of my songs is on your playlist,"

"Wait really?"

She nodded.

"To be fair, it's a collaborative playlist between my cousin and I, so she could've added the song," I shrugged and told Billie, knowing that my cousin probably forgot we even had the playlist together.

I just didn't want to look stupid in front of her.

"Wait, which song was yours?" I asked her, realizing that I probably should've asked in the first place.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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