Welcome To My World

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(Elan POV)

"I mean yeah. We just said that." Galaxy smiled, seeming oblivious to my shock.

"H..how is that even possible! You- cant- here- what?" I let out a breath. There was no way Galaxy Steve and Alex were in my house. I was dreaming. I quickly pinched myself in the arm and the small rush of pain I felt proved to me that this was infact not a dream.

Galaxy Steve and Alex were literally in my house. No crazy fans, or dreaming.

"Sabre? Are you alright?" Alex asked me.

I looked over to her. "Uh. Still processing the fact that both of you are in my home. But other than that I'm good." Letting out a nervous chuckle. "How did you both get here anyway? What happened?"

"Oh! Well, we were just starting to head off to find other Steves and stuff but then after less than a minute we just started glitching, and lightning happened, and then we both blacked out. And now we are here." Galaxy explained.

Thinking back, I remembered how my disconnect button had been glitching before I clicked on it. Was that what happened? Did that glitch cause Alex and Galaxy to be brought here once I clicked that button?

Alex looked looked at me. "Do you know what happened to bring us here?"

"Uh.. maybe?" I slowly replied, before sighing. "You both have a lot of questions now, huh?"

Alex just nodded.

"Yup." Galaxy answered. "Your world is so.. not blocky?"

"Yeah, we don't just have a world made out of only cubes." I nodded.

"How did we get here?" Alex asked, wanting to know answers.

"Well, you both know that I'm not a Steve, or like a Alex. Correct?" I asked and both of them nodded. "Well, I'm what you both would call a player. Players kinda have the ability to disconnect or leave the world whenever they want by the push of a button."

"Really? So you can literally just poof, gone. Whenever you wanted to?" Galaxy asked.

I nodded. "And before I pushed the button.. it might have glitched and accidently brought you both here."

Alex looked surprised. "So you brought us here, but on accident?"

I nodded again.

"What else can Players do?" Galaxy asked.

"Well, we can type commands and other stuff." I replied trying to be very vague.

"What type of commands?" Oh no.

"Uh...." I paused. "Commands to edit, or do stuff." I sighed. They were just going to find out anyway. "Like going into creative mode."

"And creative mode is..?" Alex urged me to continue.

"Basically means that I have unlimited power. I can fly, have unlimited resources, breaking any blocks instantly, and can't die or be destroyed."

They both just stared at me in shock.

"W-wait. You can do that?" Galaxy asked.

"Yup. But mainly I use survival mode, which is basically just like a powerless Steve but with the ability to leave."

"Why didn't you use Creative mode when we were fighting Origin or when you fought any other villain?" Alex asked.

"Uh... Well.." I couldn't just tell them that it was just for the storyline. "I can't go into Creative mode in a survival world without cheats." I stated. It wasn't lie.

"Ah.." Alex nodded.

"Uh. Are you guys hungry? I have food if you want it." I offered, for some reason wanting to make it up to them. I was grateful they didn't know I could just create a world that I wanted with the click of a button either.

"Yes! Can we have sandwiches?" Galaxy asked.

I smiled. "Yes we can."

"I still have some questions that I will ask you later though." Alex nodded.

"Alright. Well, just follow me into the kitchen." I led both of them back into the kitchen to start on the sandwiches. "Is peanut butter and jelly okay?" I asked them both as I grabbed the bread and jelly from the fridge.

"Yup." Galaxy answered.

"Can I just have an apple or something?" Alex asked.

I nodded and grabbed an apple out of the fridge, quickly tossing it to her before closing the fridge door. "Make sure to wash it first."

Alex easily caught the apple before she looked at me, confused and not seeing any source of water nearby.

"Oh right, you don't know what a sink is. Here." I set down the jelly and bread onto the counter and walked over to the sink, turning it on.

Alex gasped. "Woah. That's really cool." She walked over to the sink beside me and turned it off, then on again.

I had a feeling I was going to need to explain everything to Alex and Galaxy and how it worked. This was going to be fun.

For the next 30 minutes, the two seemed to ask me what anything and everything inside my kitchen was, how it worked, and what it did. Galaxy seemed to kinda already know a tiny bit of what some things were, but that was galaxy for you. Alex on the other hand knew nothing. So that was fun. I soon told them that I had to go and edit a video. And I of course had to explain what a video was.

"Uh. Well, Galaxy I feel like you would enjoy watching TV or something. So here you go." I turned on the TV with the remote and taught him how to use it. I then pulled up Disney movies. He would like those.. right? I pulled up a lot of different Disney moves and let him pick which one he wanted to watch. He ended up picking Finding Nemo.

"Because that looks like a fish movie. What if there is a pufferfish in it!" He seemed very excited. He got even more excited when I told him that there was one. I told him where the bathroom was, turned on the movie, and both me and Alex left the room.

"Alex, you seem like a book kinda person." I led her to my bookshelf and let her pick out a book. She had chosen A Wrinkle In Time. (That is a very good book. If you haven't read it, I think you should!)

"You might not understand everything in the book. Just ask your questions when I come back down okay?"

Alex nodded and I left her to it. I had already told her where the bathroom was in case she needed to use it and where to find me if she needed anything. I'm glad I was able to find something to keep both of them busy for now. I wasn't just going to let them sit and be bored the entire time I was editing. I just hoped none of them would set the house on fire or something, now that I wasn't there to watch them.

I entered my office, closing the door behind me. Sitting down at my desk, and turned on my computer which had automatically shut itself off after no use for more than 30 minutes. I pulled up the video footage I had taken today and started editing.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed! I kinda wrote this at 1:00-2:00am and then proceeded to just pass out. I did make a few edits to it this morning tho to make sure it actually made sense. Lol. Hope you all have a great day!/Night!

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