always forever

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type: angst with fluff
ship: jikyu
- you and me always
forever. junkyu has a crush
on haruto but jihoon has
an even bigger crush on junkyu.

"ruto-yah~" junkyu cooed adoring the younger infront of him. haruto smiled leaning into the olders touch. "ruto." junghwan came into the room and softly nudged junkyu out of the way. he sat down beside haruto and held his hand, the two started talking away while junkyu huffed and pouted. he grabbed his jacket and left the classroom.

"kyu?" jihoon smiled walking up to the boy, he placed his hands on junkyu's hair and ruffled it. "your hairs really soft today." junkyu smiled widely, he liked when people complimented his hair. "thanks! you're the first one to notice, i put all this extra work and no one noticed." junkyu was again pouting.

jihoon pinched junkyu's cheek and laughed "i have to go now, i'll see you again tommorow. bye kyu!" jihoon walked away leaving junkyu alone. "great now that haruto's with hwan, i have to be.. alone." if there was something junkyu hated the most was being alone.

"i can wait.." junkyu muttered sitting on the steps infront of the school's gate. he waited for a while, a long while possibly nearly 1 hour and 35 minutes. he checked his phone and sighed. "what's taking them so long!"

he kept sitting there until he dozed off. luckily jihoon stayed behind to help out the teachers so he saw junkyu asleep at the front. he smiled and sat beside junkyu letting junkyu use his shoulders for a bit. then he woke junkyu up. "huh?" "you fell asleep silly, what are you doing here so late?"

junkyu wiped his mouth and checked the time. it was already 6 school ended 3 hours ago. "what about ruto and junghwan?" jihoon furrowed his brows "kyu, it's 6. everyone but the student council already left to self study time, home or clubs."

junkyu frowned and could feel his tears streaming down his face. jihoon was quick to wipe them away "hey, hey dont cry."

"ah fuck, sorry. i don't know why i'm crying over something stupid." jihoon smiled and gave a reassuring pat on junkyu's back. "it's okay, why don't i walk you home?" junkyu eyes sparkled as his lips curved into a smile. "really? you'd do that?" jihoon nodded, he blushed seeing junkyu smile so bright.

"thanks hoon!" junkyu got up and wiped away his tears. he pat off the dirts that stuck onto his pants. jihoon took a hold of junkyu's hand and the two walked home together.

"hey kyu, why were you crying?" junkyu looked off to the side with a not so bright smile. "i like haruto. but, lately. he seems so distant , he's always with hwan. i think he loves hwan, he doesn't love me." junkyu looked back at jihoon with tears once again streaming down his face. yet, a smile remained on his face.

jihoon felt hurt that junkyu had no feelings towards him but seeing him cry hurt him even worst. jihoon reached out his hands and placed them on junkyu's cheek and softly caressed his face. "it's okay kyu, let it all out. i'm here for you." junkyu hugged jihoon and sobbed into his shoulder. jihoon was so thankful it was getting dark and the street was empty or else someone would have seen how red jihoon was turning.

junkyu pulled away and wiped his tears, his cheeks were puffy. jihoon chuckled and planted a soft kiss on junkyu's forehead. "you should get going now, i have to head back." junkyu nodded and waved bye, fortunately his neighboorhood was only 3 minutes away.

junkyu kept thinking about the kiss jihoon gave him. he would catch himself smiling and blushing over it. he would also scold himself for being like that, he felt like he was using jihoon.

hoon: hi my kyu 💗 did you get home safe?

junkyu smiled and opened his phone replying back

you: hi hoonie! yes i did, thanks for
walking me home

jihoon: of course, i'm always
here to help

you: you live 7 minutes away from me
if i remember correctly?

jihoon: yes i do, why?

you: pick me up? pleaseeeee

jihoon: alright kiddo

you: oi, i'm not a kid

jihoon: whatever makes you
sleep at night!

you: yea yea whatever, see you tommorow then!

jihoon: of course, good night

you: nighty

jihoon came to pick up junkyu just as he said he would. the two walked to school together, jihoon would drop junkyu off and come visit his class during breaks.

"are you and jihoon hyung dating?" haruto asked junkyu bitterly. junkyu looked up confused and shook his head with a smile "no, why?" haruto smiled with relief hearing that. "ah just because.. i like you hyung!" junkyu eyes widened with shock. "eh???" haruto looked away and rubbed his nape "ah nevermind just imagine it never happened." junkyu laughed and shoved haruto's shoulder lightly. "stop playing!"

"i'm not, i really do like you!" haruto said with a soft tone, junkyu stopped smiling. his face slightly turned pink he opened his mouth to say something "got you!" haruto laughed his head swinging back with a loud cackle escaping his mouth. junkyu had a sulken face, he bit onto his lips feeling his eyes tear up. he felt embarassed he wanted to run away.

he felt so so so embarassed seeing junghwan and haruto laughing while mashiho, jaehyuk, yedam and yoshi were in the back filming. "hyung are you.. okay?" junkyu looked over at junghwan "huh? oh yea." he immidiately smiled and laughed "just shocked, that was so random! i was about to tell him that he was being weird." mashiho laughed from the back.

"yea right! you're face turned pink!" junkyu eyes widened slightly wuickly turning back to normal when he gave mashiho a a waeming smile "i was just embarassed, wouldn't you be embarassed if a friend suddenly confessed and you didn't want to reject them because it's mean?"

jihoon popped up through the door, he noticed junkyu's awkward and uncomfortable smile & position. he pushed through and walked over to junkyu standing infront of him blocking haruto's sight. jihoon played with junkyu's hair and smiled down at him mouthy he words 'it's okay, just ignore it.' junkyu smiled and nodded.

"let's go get some snacks?" jihoon asked pulling junkyu up, junkyu smiled and nodded. jihoon laughed and pinched his cheeks. he held onto junkyu's sweater paw and lead him to the snack shop.

"when did junkyu start dating jihoon?!" mashiho shouted with anger, everyone lnew he had the biggest crush on him for the longest time. "ugh dammit, i thought he liked me." haruto rolled his eyes pulling at his hair then harshly ruffling his hair "ugh whatever!"

"calm down ruto, no need to get so worked up." junghwan rolled his eyes and kissed his boyfriends lip's.

the end! i hope you enjoyed this <3

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