"That....that was just for you." I lied. "Because you like it when I don't wear one." 

"I do, yes." 

"It was just for you!" 

I didn't want her to worry, becuase the more she worried, the more likely she was to tell my parents about me forgetting stuff, and then they will tell me to stay home. Then if I stay home I can't go back to Chicago and if I don't play  game before the international break it won't be god. Then everyone will get worried, and it will just be bad. 

Mal and I attempted to make pancakes, but because someone dumped way too much sugar in the mix when I wasn't looking, they didn't turn out and we ended up going out to breakfast. 

"This is way better than any pancakes we could have made at home." Mal took a bite of her breakfast sandwich, then dipped her french toast in syrup. 

"You sure do eat a lot." I said, looking at the 3 plates in front of her. 

"When I want to." She shrugged. "Okay I'm going to do an impression. 'Hey, if I eat enough of this will I be able to speak French like Morgana?' Who am I?" 

"You're Ashley." I rolled my eyes at her. "I'll tell her you said that." 

"Doesn't matter. She already hates me." 

"We already went over this. You two have a sister relationship, just love-hate. You're still close. Also you have to get along, she's my best friend, and you're my....you're my Mal. A different type of best friend." I said. 

She smiled and looked down at her plate, and I saw I had her blushing. 

"That makes you blush?" I asked, laughing. 

"Shut up!" 

"My bad." 



I asked Chloe to bring over Hayley as soon as she got out of school, because we had to leave in a few hours. 

Of course she did, and I realized I probably wasn't going to be able to come home for a solid month, maybe month and a half because we have to go back t the Red Stars after inernational duty. 

"Will you be home soon? Like for my preschool graduation?" Hayley asked. "Aunt Mal you can come too! And can Aunt Ashley come too? And Kelley because she's funny. And Sophia because she looks like a princess. And also Hatchy because she's very nice and she gave me money." 

"Why did she give you money?" Chloe asked. 

"She told me I could have it if I promised not to tell you that she spilled the lemonade all over your car. She said-" 

"Okayyyy, and we're done here." I said, covering her mouth. "Aunt Mal, why don't you take her and give her the special present I got her." 

"Sounds good." Mal took her upstairs to get the bag. 

"How did you even get anywhere?" Chloe asked me. 

"We...shit. How did we get around?" I thought for a second. "Uber." 

"Are you okay?" She asked. 

"Why wouldn't I be?" 

"That's the third time you've forgotten something important since I've been here. Could this have anything to do with-" 

"Nothing about the crash, Chloe. Nothing. I'm just tired and sad and tired." 

"Whatever." She sat down on the couch. 

"Can I ask you something?" I asked her. 

"Yeah. What's up?" 

"A lot of things, but I just need to know this. Last night, after the crash, I called you first.. Then mom and dad. Then Mal. And I didn't see her right away, because they took me to the hospital. Was she mad about having to leave her parents house? It was stupid to cal her at all, because I knew she was there but forgot." I sighed. 

"No, calling her was right. You see her? How protective she is of you? She would have killed you and all of us if you or one of us hadn't told her until she got home." Chloe answered. "But I think she wants to stay away from her parents for whatever reason. When I drove her there, she was all stressed and stuff. I asked her what was wrong, ans she said she wanted to avoid them. When I asked why, she just stared out the window." 

"Well, there's a reason, and....I know-" I was cut off by Mal coming down the stairs and into the living room. 

"Hayley is upstairs playing with the stuff in her room. I told her we should go downstairs because we're leaving soon but she said she will when we're leaving." Mal said, sitting down next to me. 

"Ooh, good. You're here." I said. "We need to speak in private." 

"Oh really?" Chloe asked. 


"Do we have to?  I think anything you could possibly have to say to me could be said in front of your sister." Mal said. 

"Why did you guys get all mean on me?" I asked. 

"Just say it, Morg." 

"Alone, Mal." 


I paused, then took a deep breath."I'm gonna tell her." 

"Tell me what?" Chloe asked. 

"Tell her?" Mal said, looking confused. 

"I'm gonna tell her!" I said. "Chloe, you might want to be sitting down for this one." 

Hope everyone's enjoying this one! It gets back to soccer soon I swear! Everyone in the USA have a great Thanksgiving break and the next update will be out Saturday! 

My Cure - Mallory Pugh/USWNT (Sequel to Attached)Where stories live. Discover now