[ || ✟ | c h a p t e r - 3 | ✟ || ]

Start from the beginning

Standing there for what seemed to be a few minutes, she just walked back to her moped with the creature clinging onto her. Driving back she made sure that they hopefully don't fall off before they got there.

Once parked she looked up at the bakery, shocked to see one more customer was there talking to her grandfather, It was supposed to be closing time but it seemed it might take a little longer since she knows how long her grandfather likes to talk. Fear of what they'd do when they saw what being she brought with her, she quickly opened the bag she carried the pies in and motioned for them to climb inside, slightly doubting but surprisingly watched them climb inside and fit perfectly.

As she walked inside, Oscar noticed his granddaughter enter and welcomed her back, " Heya kiddo! How was delivery today? "

" It was uh- good as usual! " She smiled, holding the bag over her shoulder while she slightly struggled to do that.

He raised a brow before looking back at the guy he was talking to, " I see.. Hey, have you met our mayor yet? I believe his son goes to the same high school as you. "

The man turned to Fart, both exchanged a short moment of staring at each other. She noticed the guy wore a brown suit and had a weird haircut. Is this really the towns mayor? What in the world is he doing here? At this time too.

The man chuckled a bit, " Well isn't it the baker's granddaughter, I remember when you were young and came here to Moralton.. Anywho, the names Clay Puppington, great to meet you. " He put a hand out to her, his tone sounded a bit sarcastic to her.

She gave him a awkward smile before slowly shaking his hand, this is the guy of that Orel dude? Science partners with the mayor's son, and she never realized it until meeting him.

Her thoughts were quickly interrupted, " I know you're a pretty good kid, so I hope you stay like that, make everyone know you and stuff. " His smile looked smug before letting go, holding the box that seemed to contain pie with both of his hands now, " Well I best be going now, gotta go home to my family and such. Thank's for the pie Oscar! "

" No prob Clay! " He waved, chuckling before turning to his granddaughter, " You heard what he— "

Words dashed right out of her mouth as she ran for it, up the stairs, " Alright goodnight grandpa I gotta uhh DO my homework! Yeah late night homework! Goodnight! " Her sentences were slightly jumbled but made sense after a few seconds. Oscar was confused with such rush that came out of her but shrugged it off, he was now ready to close the bakery for tonight.

Fart made it to her room, opening the bag once again to see the creature look back at her, jumping out of the bag and observing the room, sniffing the air and the stuff around before spotting Fart's bed. The creature quickly skittered and ran under the bed, popping their head out as they stared (or seemed to) at Fart from under.

Fart sat there, thinking of what they were and how in the world were they out in the wilderness without getting caught and sent away somewhere.. like the pound or something.

Before she could think even further, she thought of one thing to ask, what in the world was their name? If they even had one. She even thought how she could even communicate with them since she didn't know if they even spoke english. She took a risk and asked anyways.

" So.. got a name or- " She paused, this was awkward since it felt disrespectful in some sort of way, she did this with a guy at a store and they kept speaking in another language so all she could do was repeat the question until he got frustrated and walked away, she felt awful about that day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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" Go big or go home. " [ A Moral Orel Highschool AU ]Where stories live. Discover now