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Your pov:

You wake up to hear your brother cursing and shuffling through his room.

"Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch" he yelled on the other side of the wall. You opened the door and stepped out turning to face Dustin's door as he rushed out in a hurry almost colliding with you in the process. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" he mumbled not so quietly. "Whoa there bud, whatcha doing?" he spun around quickly looking to you. "Arcade!" was all he said as he rushed off again. You laughed at his energy, he'd always been this happy and bright kid, it was one of your favorite things about him.

You went back to your room and changed quickly, grabbing a jar of quarters that you kept hidden in case something like this happened. You walked down the hall and into the living room, where Dustin was throwing couch cushions around. "Another stupid penny!" mom caught the cushion right before it had hit the fluffy cat that was laying in the chair. "Dusty, watch it you almost hit mews!" your mother scolded him. "I'm sorry, can I please check under your cushion?" you laughed, "No need dork, I've got these" you said holding up the jar. He turns to you and his smile instantly widened.

"Y/n where did you get all of that?!" you smiled "Meh, I've been saving up for a while, just in case." you pulled the brim of his hat down so it covered his eyes. "Your my favorite sister in the whole world!" he hugged you tight as you shook your head, "I'm your only sister goofball" you laughed "Now go and get your helmet out of the garage, I'll take you" he pulled away "Really? Sweet!" he ran off hugging your mom in the process, saying a quick I love you. "Oh honey, please be careful, you know how I feel about that death machine." your mother said as she hugged you. "Mom it's not a death machine, it's just a motorcycle, and we have helmets its not that bad." you said walking out the front door and closing it behind you.

Dustin was waiting standing beside your bike, rocking back and forth on his feet, a huge dopey grin on his face. "You ready kiddo?" he rolled his eyes "Yes! You take forever!" "Okay, okay lets go." you climbed onto your bike and he followed suit. You pulled your helmet on, and you were gone. The radio on your bike blasting "Back in black" by AC/DC, you saw Jonathan on the side of the street walking and you waved. He knew it was you, from the curly hair sticking out of the bottom of your brothers helmet. And also the stickers on your bike he had gotten you for Christmas a year ago.

Once you had finally gotten there, Mike and Lucas were waiting outside. Mike was sitting on the curb and Lucas was leaned against the wall. You pulled up right next to them, with your music blaring their bored expressions quickly changed to excitement. "Y/n!" they both yelled jumping up to hug you, as if they hadn't seen you in forever, when in reality, they had seen you 3 days ago. "Hey boys! How have you been?" you smiled "Good!" they both said letting you go. "That's good, hey where's Will?" right after that you heard a honk, as you turned you saw Joyce sitting in the drivers seat waving you over.

Will was stepping out of the car as he looked at you, he smiled and you pulled him into a side hug ruffling his hair a bit as he nuzzled into your side, "Hey there little man, you ready to play some games?" he looked up at you "Yeah!" you smiled and let him go. "The boys are over there, why don't you head over there and make sure that Dustin doesn't use all of our money for this afternoon yeah?" he nodded waving to his mom and running over to his friends. "Please, can you just, watch him for me? He's been a little off today and I'm worried-" you cut her off "I understand Joyce, if you ever need anything, please let me know, I mean it when I say you guys are like my family and I'd do anything for you." she smiled and nodded slightly tearing up. "Thank you, so much Y/n."

You entered the arcade and found the boys surrounding a game as Keith mumbled something to them. They turned to you and Dustin shook his head, "Oh hell no! ABSOLUTLEY NOT!" he yelled. you made your way over to them. "What's going on, and do I want to know?" the boys looked at you and shook their heads no. "Alrighty then." you looked around "1,2,3,...where is Will?" the boys shrugged and you rolled your eyes. You walked around with Mike for a few minuets before stepping outside and finding him in the parking lot. He was frozen. Mike had walked up to him and gotten his attention. You waited on him to get back inside not wanting to ruin his afternoon you told yourself to ask him later.

"Alright boys its time to go." you watched as they groaned. They were still in the process of trying to beat this mysterious MADMAX, who had beaten all of the top scores other than yours in Pac-Man. You were curious of course, but they were just some silly game scores. The party made their way outside and you followed, seeing Jonathan in his car, you could hear Wills favorite song on the radio. You smiled fondly at the memories that the song held. You waved at Lucas and Mike as they rode down the street, calling out to them to be careful on their way home.

You walked over to your bike which was parked on the drivers side of Jonathans car. "What's up Johnny-boy?" he smiled and shook his head "Nothing much Ms. James Dean, how about you?" Dustin stood there as he and will made faces at each other, Will was making kissy faces at you and you rolled your eyes and continued talking with Jonathan. "Alright already! Can you please stop flirting with my sister so I can go home?! This is getting gross!" Dustin grumbled "We aren't!- ya know what? Nevermind, see ya Johnny." you waved at him and Will as Dustin pulled his own helmet on. You revved up your bike and took off.

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