Part 2.2

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"I'm back, hoe!" Matsukawa shouted. Silence. Matsukawa made his way to the living room, only to be met with his roommate lying on the couch, staring at the screen of the TV, lovestruck.

Matsukawa sighed. "I met him, Issei."

Matsukawa turned to his friend, surprised. "The villain you have been simping for since High School?" Iwaizumi nodded.

"Damn. Must've been one hell of a cosplayer." Matsukawa left his bag on a chair.

"He wasn't a cosplayer, though." Matsukawa blinked. "He was the real deal. He... gods, he was so pretty in real life..." Iwaizumi smiled. "We promised to meet again! I can't wait!"

Matsukawa groaned as Iwaizumi started ranting about the guy. He took out his phone, entered Instagram, and tapped on the chat of his crush/best friend/project partner.


Iwaizumi met IRL his online crush
and he won't shut up help-

Hanamaki chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Oikawa looked up from where he was taking care of another pot. This one had Orchids in it. They were pretty before, and after Oikawa started taking care of them, they became even prettier.

"A friend is texting me about his suffering." Hanamaki said. Oikawa hummed.


Lmaoooo suffer <3

Matsukawa blushed. Hanamaki had used a heart. He does that a lot when they talk, but every time, Hanamaki's hearts had him weak on his knees.

"...and oh my gods, his eyes!" How is he not done yet?! Matsukawa would not be surprised to hear his friend made a PowerPoint presentation on the guy.


I'm 100% sure he has made a
PowerPoint on the guy 😭

Hanamaki chuckled. "He would." He mumbled. Oikawa looked up.

"Why do people find enjoyment in the suffering of others?" He wondered. Hanamaki raised an eyebrow at him.

"You've never laughed at someone falling?" He asked.

"The only suffering that would bring me joy is my ex-fiancé's. Preferably accompanies with his head on a silver plate." Oikawa's eyes darkened.

Hanamaki gulped and nodded. Oikawa grinned, the murderous intents being replaced by that child-like happiness once again.


If he pulls out a PowerPoint
I wang a video 🤭

"Do you have a PowerPoint on the guy?" Matsukawa asked sarcastically.

"I do, actually. Some friends and I hold PowerPoint nights and-Why are you looking at me like that?"





"Iwaizumi, bro, buddy, bestie. Say sike. I'm begging you to say 'sike'." Matsukawa said.

"I'm not kidding." Iwaizumi said, raising an eyebrow.

"That's even worse! Why-"

"Should I text Hanamaki-san about the PowerPoint you made on him last time you joined us?" Matsukawa stopped talking.

"I would like to apologize for my previous comments and request once again that you bury the existence of said PowerPoint in your memories." He said and bowed.

"Apology accepted." Iwaizumi smirked. "But no promises about the last part."

"Respectfully, go fuck yourself."


"Dammit, Issei!" Hanamaki threw his phone to the couch.

"What happened?" Oikawa asked. He set the pot he held on the table and stood up.

"He hasn't sent me pictures of the PowerPoint yet! Ugh, I'm dying to see it!" Hanamaki pouted.

"Perhaps you can ask for him to show you the PowerPoint?" Oikawa offered. Hanamaki grinned.

"You're a genius!"

Bring a copy of the ppt with
you tomorrow!

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