Single hot lady shit

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Mattheo's POV
Tom walks in staring right at me. I awkwardly put my hands in my pockets. My feet rock back and forth. Tom looks at her then me.
"I interrupted something." He stated, Bree walked over to her side of the room and grabbed some clothes.
"We were just talking, Tom." I say to him. He rolls his eyes. He knows I'm lying.
"Mhmm. Just talking." He says using quotations with his fingers. He glances at Bree.
"Brother, can I talk to you? Outside." I nod.

"What the hell, Mattheo." He sighs, rubbing his forehead when we were in his dorm. I clear my throat and look at his floor. "I'm sorry I just-"
"I'm worried about you. You have to stop before Father finds out about it."
I glance at him.
"He wants you to have a dark mark! And if he finds out about this girl he's going to kill her and maybe you too!"
I gulp. He looks at me again.
"Sorry-" He sighs.
"J-just try to end it. Ok?" I nod because I couldn't talk, not right now.

The next day
I walk to breakfast Bree smiles at me. Her smile is beauti- stop Matteo your making it harder on yourself if you keep think like that.  I pretend not to notice her and walk right past to Tom. I glance over towards her. Her smile dropped, she's not talking or eating. Fuck. No-no I have to do this. I don't want her killed. Tom notices I'm watching her and clears his throat, I look at him while he shakes his head.

Bree's POV
Why is he so confusing? One minute we're yelling, then making out, then he completely ignores me. Pansy elbows me, I glance over she nods to Audrey.
"You ok?" She mouths, I shrug. She frowns and looks at Mattheo, knowing what happened.
"How about we have a party tonight? Would that cheer you up?" I nod, putting on a little smile.
"Cool," She states then turns to Blaise. I go back to picking at my food. Pansy glances at me and sighs.
"Maybe it's a good thing."
"What?" I ask looking up.
"I'm just saying, it could be a good thing, flirt with other people and get on his nerves. Be a flirty single hot girl. Be the girl he can't have anymore." I glance at him who was now talking to a girl that sat across from him. She's way prettier then I am. I could feel tears coming. Pansy notices.
I look at her and wipe my eye with my sleeve.
"Looks like he moves on fast." I laugh, Pansy frowns and hugs me.

During defense of the dark arts

"Ahhh you finally made it, Mr Riddle."
Crap. I thought I was going to have this class without him. He just smirks and sits next to the girl from earlier. She starts giggling, I roll my eyes. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turn and glare. Harry Potter stares at me, gulps, takes a deep breath and says, "If you wanna get back at him I could help." I raise an eyebrow.
"Oh yeah? How?" I ask, he smiles.
"There's a party tonight, right?" He asks, I nod yes and he continues, "Go with me, flirt or whatever to make him jealous. Simple, really." I think, then smile at him, "sure. Especially since, you know, he and you, Riddle and Potter-anyway I can get Pansy to invite you. But no stupid shit, got it?" He nods. I smile at him and turn. Single hot lady shit I could almost hear Pansy's voice say in my head. I smile. Single hot lady shit.

Mattheo's POV
I got my death eater mark today and was running late to defense of the dark arts. When I entered the class room of course the teacher had to announce that I was late, like no shit, really I had no idea but I just smirk and sit next to Ruby. Yeah she's pretty I guess but not as pretty as Bree, but Ruby's the only way to do the job. I can't flirt with Arya because she's being friends with Bree and to just help with the situation, plus it would be weird to be flirting with her since I've know her for like forever.
"Hey, Ruby" I say as I sit next to her in the left back corner. She giggles. I started doing the work when I heard whispers, I normally ignore them because most of the time their whispering shit about me, but heard Bree's voice. I turn my head just a little so I can see but still look like I'm doing work. I turn to see her turned to the table behind her talking to Harry Potter. Wait-HARRY POTTER! She smiles at him then turns back around to her work. What the fuck was that?

I open the door to my brothers dorm, it hits the wall hard.
"What the fuck man? You good?" He says getting up from his desk.
"Bree was fucking talking to the little shit Potter and smiling at him. He was definitely flirting with her." I say, pulling on my hair.
"Dude, chill as much as I hate's better to have her alive right?" I sigh.
"I guess but-" I shake my head, "never mind."

Bree's POV
"Pansy?" I poke my head in her dorm.
"Yeah?" She asks, coming out of the bathroom, with her straightening iron in her hair.
"Um-could I invite Potter?" She takes her straightening iron and puts it on her desk, turning to me.
"Um yeah," I sit her bed then fall so my legs are dangling(if that makes sense), "he's helping me get back at Mattheo." She raises an eyebrow. I sit up and give her a puppy dog face.
"Please Pansy." She sighs but smiles.
"Sure, as long as your happy babe." I smile.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been busy.

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