Sliver Seven

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            Delia tried to evade it,the guilt which was beginning to creep into her little by little. She hated to admit it but she knew she was wrong. She'd been blinded by her anger and refused to realise that he really had no idea as to where she'd gone and who she'd been with. That must have caused him a lot of stress.

          She'd fought to not give into her urges but in the end,she found herself glancing Stephan's way from where she sat across him in the car. Her eyes instinctively fell to his chest which kept heaving up and down heavily. She hadn't noticed she'd stared long because when she raised her gaze,it met that of Stephan,now resting on her.

          Her breath had hitched as she knew she'd been caught staring. She found her gaze lingering on his,unable to avert them from his which seemed to be morphing into something softer as he watched her.

         Stephan didn't want them this way,he didn't want to be yelling at his wife in the middle of the street and at the middle of the night. His senses might have been knocked out a few minutes ago,but watching her had him regaining them. She wanted to say she didn't mean to,her gaze said it all. He hadn't gotten an explanation but he chose to believe her. He wanted this tension between them gone.

          Delia had been too engrossed in her husband that she hadn't noticed when his moist free hand had wrapped around hers over the console of the car. She darted her gaze downwards,loving how his warmth was easily conducted through her. And for that little while before they got home,Delia chose to interlace her fingers in his. Neither of them knew what they were doing,but the gesture was somehow calming them,restoring them.

          It had been so reassuring that they'd hesitated to let go even when Stephan had pulled up in their parking lot. Beatrice quietly watched the pair,neither saying anything or interrupting their moment. Now this was the couple she recalled,a couple who could make even a fight seem romantic,the couple who could tell each other everything with a single look.

          With that in mind,Beatrice was quick to climb down from the car,noticing that neither of them was going to do it first. Delia was the first to snap out of the reverie,slowly retrieving her fingers from Stephan's. The act saddened Stephan,but he was quick to gather himself.

          "Uhm,aren' coming?" Delia questioned after she'd emulated her friend's action,turning back to Stephan. "You can head on without me. Make Beatrice at home,I'll be there in a second" Stephan tried to tell her,but most of it came off as a rasp.

          The corner of Delia's lip lopsided as she nodded,slowly shutting the door and ushering Beatrice into the house. Stephan sighed,throwing his head against his headrest as he watched the two girls head into the house. Delia stopped and looked back to him,her concern evident from the glance she'd spared just before she proceeded into the house.

           Stephan had to take a moment to calm his raging emotions. At least he'd found her,everything was fine now. But why did he still feel something poking hard at his heart?

          He climbed down minutes later,making his way into the house and directly up thr stairs. He hadn't made into his room when he heard the sound of cheers and giggles emanate from the opposite end of the hall.

          He smiled to himself,at least she was happy. Since he was so incapable of making her happy,he was glad someone else could. He wished it could be different and he did want to change it,but he was confused as to where he was to start.

          "I can swear that I got the chills Flower,really" Beatrice sighed,after her shrieks had died. She was so excited to be at Delia's house but she couldn't express it because of the situation they'd found theirselves in. If she knew things would have turned out that way,she would have pressed Delia to pick his calls.

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