Number 18

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I looked on to lucky number 10. Bitch lucky as hell. I cringed at the thought. What if he already got together with her? But I doubt it. She walked away angerily. He just checked her out. He looked at his locker and took a few books out before closing it. I took a deep breath and slowly walked over to where he stood. He turned right into me, causing me to fall flat on my ass. "Whoa!" He said kneeling to help me up. I just laid on the ground and groaned. "Are you okay?" He asked. Now I am.

I smiled up at him. "Are you okay?" He repeated. I shook my head. He chuckled and picked me up off the floor. "You don't talk much do you?" He asked. I shook my head again. I sniffed him without him noticing. He smelled so good. "Well I'm gonna get to class." He said slowly letting go of me. Letting the electricity flowing through my body disappear. "You just knocked me down and now your gonna leave without even making sure that I'm fine?" I asked. "Or apologising!?" I said. He blushed. YES! "Sorry..." He said. I smiled. "That's better." I say. I'm TALKING to HIM! I blushed as he flashed a smile. Damn it!

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded. "I'm fine." I say. "Okay. We'll be late if we don't get going." He said. I nodded. He turned away.I smirked. I grabbed his shoulder and pretended to faint. "Whoa!" I heard him say. "You aren't fine." He said picking me up in those big muscle arms. I relaxed. I swear I could fall asleep in these. I ignored the talking and continued to try to fall asleep. But then the beautiful scent of waterfall suddenly disappeared and so did the muscles. Damn it.I heard the voice of the nurse just then. Man.... I heard chuckling. Damn it! She knows me so well. "You wanna tell me why?" She asked. I opened my eyes and blushed. "You seen him." I whined. She chuckled and shook her head and started on my pass to class.

"Where were you!?"Zack asked as soon as I sat down. "In the nurse's office." I say. "Why?" He asked. "Because I needed an ice pack?" I say more like a question. "Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded and rolled my eyes. These people and their theories. I turned to my left and lucky number 11. Ugh....Why am I so hung up on this guy? He's all over every girl except me. Am I less pretty than they are or something? But its weird though. Everytime they kiss him, they seem to march off angerily for some apparent reason. What is going on today? He smirked as she walked away. I sighed and looked away. Zack started to rub my back as I put my head down. "He'll come around." He said. "What if he doesn't?" I frowned. He took a deep breath. "Trust me when I say this. He'll come around. Like right now." He said. "Wait what?" I asked looking up. A little too late.

"Hey. What happened? You kinda disappeared on me." He chuckled. Even his laugh is adorable. I looked at him in awe. "Hello...." He said waving his hands in my face. "Uh...Its just that....Well you see..." I rambled. He looked amused. "I'll catch ya later." He said patting my shoulder. Idiot. He totally just wants to be friends. I sighed and dropped my head back on the desk. "You okay?" Zack asked. "Fine. Thank you." I say. I close my eyes and engulf myself to sleep instead of listening to the chat about god knows what. But sadly that sleep wasn't very long. It felt like 12 seconds if I'm being exact.

I walked by. 12. I turned the opposite direction. Then came Ap. 13. Is he in all my classes damn. Lunch. 14. I sighed and took my food and turned to eat outside totally ignoring Zack calling me. I ate my lunch in silence. Damn it. I have study hall today and I didn't bring head phones. 15. Then Calculus which by the way is so boring. Lucky number 16 got to sit next to him. I swear he's like in almost each and every one of my classes. I saw the way he was looking at her. Like he liked her. A lot. She was pretty. And to top it off, blonde. She looked like a total skank to me but oh well. I sighed and gathered my things. It's effecting me way more than it should. "Marano? Where you going?" Mr.Smith asked. "Oh...Uh..." I say looking at the guy who I've wanted for quite a while.He stared at me. I was jumping on the inside. "Just for a walk." I say. "This is school." He said. "Well my head hurts. So now I'm on my way to the nurse." I roll my eyes and take the pass to the nurse.

I stayed clear of everyone. I walked out and of course...Lucky number 17. But it didn't seem like she was so lucky because she slapped him as hard as she could and marched off. What is happening here? Why are they acting so selfish? What did he say to them? It was time to go and I was more than happy. I quickly made my way to my locker and got my items. And by items I mean my purse and a water bottle. I had everything done. Shocker. I pulled out my phone and turned it on. I closed the locker. I plugged in my head phones but before I could put in my ears, I heard a call behind me. I looked and he was approaching me. What the hell? He seemed in a huge rushing because he was racing towards me. Almost knocked me down. Not that I would mind.

"Hey." He greeted. I smiled and waved. My mouth was dry. Then drink you idiot. I put the water bottle up to my mouth. So rude. He's practically sweating and I'm drinking water in his face. I offered it to him. He smiled and took it. He water falled it. He then held it back to me. I took it and put it in my purse. "Do you by any chance want to go for a ride?" He asked all of a sudden. Instead of my crushie side, my crushed side spoke. "Why?" I asked. "Because I really wanna take you on one." He said a bit confused himself. I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away. He held my wrist.

I looked down at it.He slowly let go. "What I wanted to say is that...I... Well there's.." He couldn't get his words out. Even then he looks adorable. He then suddenly brought his jacket over my shoulders.I smiled as my insides started to turn. "Laura. Yes that's right. I know your name." He said. I blushed. "I find you very chill. And everytime we met, you didn't try too hard to impress me. I like that about you." He said. Oh dear god. "All day I have been surrounded by these girls who try so damn hard. Is it so hard to be yourself?!" He asked. I chuckled. "Are you complimenting me or lecturing me?" I asked. He chuckled. He took my hand. I swear I squealed a little.

We came to the parking lot. He brought me over to his bike. It looks even better up close. I admired it for a bit before I heard his cough. I giggled. "So about that ride?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. But first I need to get this off my chest. I took hold of his face andpressed my lips against his. He was shocked at first but he kissed back slowly. I smiled and wrapped my arms aroud his neck. He wrapped his around my waist and pulled me closer. His lips were so soft. I slowly pulled away and slipped into his jacket. He smiled at me. I smiled back. He sat on the bike and handed me a helmet. "Did you know I would say yes?" I asked him. "No. But I was hoping you would." He said. I smiled and took his hand and got on the bike. I was happy as hell. I'm lucky Number 18. "Will you be my girlfriend?"He asked. I blushed. "Definately." I smiled. And now he's mine. It'll stay that way. For a long time. A really. Really long time. I winked as he sped off. I guess he liked me just as much as I liked him.
I know. It wasn't as fun as I wanted but its been forever so I had to give it my best shot! Will you accept? No? Okay. I understand. Comment and Vote!!!

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