Elle: well we don't have it confirmed if y/n likes Harry, but we do know that Harry has got a massive crush on y/n

Nick: actually, I asked y/n if he likes Harry yesterday and he said he didn't know, so I'm thinking that he probably does

Charlie: when did that happen?

Nick: y/n and I have the same free period

Charlie: ooooohhhhhh

Nick: yeah

Elle: really? Man, I wish we could find out for sure!!

Isaac: me too

Darcy: how are we gonna set them up?

Tara: woah, woah, woah. Slow down girl. We need to make sure y/n likes Harry first!

Darcy: but that's gonna take too longggg

Nick: I can just ask him again tomorrow

Isaac: no, don't do that, you've already asked him, that would be too suspicious

Darcy: sus

Tara: oh my god, stop

Charlie: on a serious note, I think I should be the one to ask him

Tao: makes sense to me, but I still don't really like Harry. How can we trust him? He went from an ass to, well, whatever he is now!

Elle: calm down, Tao. You're not the one we're shipping him with

Tao: obviously 🙄

Isaac: let's give this a rest for now. Charlie, talk to y/n tomorrow, and we'll go from there

Everyone agreed, and Isaac opened a book, easily drifting into the imaginary world.

It was finally Friday morning, and Charlie could still barely wake up to his alarm. He got dressed, brushed his teeth, and hopped onto his bus with his sister, Tori.

When he got there, he had completely forgotten that y/n and Harry walk to school together. Shit. He tapped y/n on the shoulder, "Hey~ can I talk to you?"

Harry looked quite displeased at this, but y/n nodded, "Sure, what's up?"

Charlie led them a safe distance away from their friends, "So, quick question; do you like Harry?"


"I said-"

"I know what you said!" Y/n was quiet for what felt like a lifetime. "Yes, but you can't tell anyone. If you do, I'll have your guts-"

"Ok, I get it! Please don't hurt me, I promise I won't say anything."

Y/n nodded slowly, "Good. Anyways, Harry's dad and my mom are coming in today to sign papers so Harry can officially live with us!"

Charlie smiled, "Really? That's great! I hope it goes well."

"Me too."

They headed back over to their group, y/n mouthing a silent 'sorry' to Harry. Charlie gave Nick a quick hug, whispering under his breath, "It was a yes."

Nick smiled down at him, "I knew it," he whispered back.

"What are you two talking about?" Harry asked, seeing that everyone else was beginning to head to class.

"We're doing.. couple things. Don't worry about it," Charlie improvised.

Harry smiled and rolled his eyes, "Sure, whatever." Then he left with y/n off to their first class.

By the time lunch rolled around, everyone at the Truham lunch table knew about it.

"So I'm talking to him at chemistry then?" Isaac asked, looking up from his book.

"Yup, you've gotta give him some good advice," Charlie confirmed.

"Don't worry, I have some ideas," Isaac winked.

Just then, y/n and Harry ran over to the table. "We just had the meeting with our parents, and it went sooooo well!!" Y/n practically screamed.

Harry was smiling like a dumbass, "Yeah, and we're even going to try to jail my dad for child abuse."

"What about your mum?" Tao asked - he thought that Harry's mum was a bitch too.

"We can't prove anything, so we're not gonna try," Harry answered, slightly disappointed. His mum wasn't as bad, so he wasn't too sad.

They ate with much more conversation than they had all week, finally connecting with one another. They were all slightly shocked at how quickly they had gotten used to having y/n and Harry a part of their group.

Now, this is a group, Tao thought with a smile.

After lunch, Isaac and Harry were walking together to chemistry.

"So, I have an idea to help you with your situation," Isaac began.

"Oh god," Harry tried to force a real sigh, but he ended up laughing anyway.

Isaac smiled, "Try some pick-up lines. Start off low, make sure they aren't too obvious. Then you can say the more obvious ones."

"I've already tried that! Y/n was so oblivious!"

"You did?"

"Yeah, it wasn't a very good one, though."

"Well, make sure this time it is good," Isaac advised.

Harry looked at him, "Obviously!" Isaac laughed.

Finally, computing class rolled around, and Harry raced to the library to walk with y/n.

"Hey!" Harry said, giving y/n a side hug, "Are you my appendix? Because I have a funny feeling in my stomach that makes me want to take you out!"

Y/n gave him a weird look, "Uh- ew," he grimaced. "I did not need that image in my head..."

Ughhhhh, that one didn't work either. Maybe he would have to research better ones. He laughed, "Gross, right?"

"Yeah, if you're having appendix trouble, you should get it checked out!"

They laughed and talked together for the rest of the day, getting so off task when they were doing their homework that night. Harry really needed some alone time to do that search.

8 kind of ended at a weird spot, but I definitely have an idea for the next part!

Punctuation/grammar/spelling help welcomed and accepted!

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Stay perfect everyone <3

Can I Tell You a Secret? - Male reader x Harry GreeneWhere stories live. Discover now